Chapter Nine

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Shit, I forgot abt the Q&A again... *cries* ah well, here, have a chapter to make up for it. If I don't forget again, it will be the next post but I will make no promises. Anygay I hope you enjoy :P. ♫ If you have a friend who might want to read this clap your hands! 

[Word count: 1548] eyyyyy

A light breeze ruffled Grian's hair as he flew through the sky. As the siblings came closer to the Starbucks where they would be working, they flew down, landing in the parking lot.

Pearl quickly used the power from the moon to shield her avian attributes, doing the same for her brother. While Starbucks didn't explicitly say no hybrids, several other stores and buildings had the discriminative signs plastered on them, making the two warry of the city's inhabitants.

The small golden bell above the coffee shop door rang out as the siblings entered. A boy was behind the counter, his blonde hair almost covering his brown eyes. "Bdubs!" He shouted to the back, "The new recruits are here!"

Instead of the short noirette Grian was expecting, another blonde poked his head out, and his red eyes scanned the room. Shortly afterward, Bdubs emerged.

"Grian! Pearl," He grinned, his black eyes sparkling with his wide smile, "Welcome," Bdubs pointed to the blonde at the counter, "That's Zed, the other blonde with the red eyes is Tango- Impuls get over here and meet the new people!"

A brunette with dark eyes quickly walked out, followed by Tango. "Hi," Impuls said, offering his hand.

Pearl shook it. "Smart of you to hide your wings, I guess you saw the signs?" Bdubs commented, gesturing to the siblings' lack of feathers, "Starbucks doesn't really mind but people hide anyway due to the other shops."

"Wait," The blonde, Tango, interjected, "You're hybrids?" Grian nodded, and Tango grinned, revealing a pair of elongated canines, "Yay! I'm a Blazeborne and Zedaph is a goat. So you can both fly?"

Zedaph quickly entered the conversation by asking, "What hybrid are you both?"

"We are both avian-lunar elf hybrids," Pearl remarked slowly. To both her and Grian's relief, they didn't seem bothered by the avian aspect.

"That's so cool!" Zed clapped, "I've never met an avian! In fact-" "We need to get working," Impuls interrupted, "As much as I'd like to talk more, customers are gonna start showing up."

Bdubs and Grian nodded simultaneously, "They will be at the next Hermit meeting anyway," Bdubs said, much to the group's delight, "Grian, you can work in the back with Tango and Impuls," the noirette directed, remembering the blonde's introvertedness. "Pearl, Zedaph, and I will work at the cashiers."

They quickly got situated and awaited the first customers. They didn't have to wait long as people began flooding in. Most of the clients were students or business people who still had work to do. As Pearl finished typing in the order of one customer, another walked up. "Hello!" Pearl greeted, smiling at the silvernette before her, "Welcome to Starbucks, what would you like?"

"You're new," was all the person said, their voice slightly muffled due to the grey mask they wore.

"I- Yes?" The avian blinked, "My uh, name is Pearl. What can I get you?"

The person smiled, or at least it looked like a smile from what Pearl could see. "I'll have my usual which is a Grande Pink Drink," They said.

"Alright, what name can I put down for the order?"


At the name Bdbubs turned, he had just finished with his customer. "Etho!" The wide-eyed noirette hurried over, placing down a small stool so he could better reach over the counter. "I guess you met Pearl, she and her brother are the newest recruits." "And Hermits!" Zed called out with a grin after handing someone their drink.

.:A New World:. [Hermitcraft Highschool AU] [Scarian]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat