Hybrid Descriptions

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Hello! These will be the descriptions of the primary hybrids exhibited in my story. 

*DISCLAIMER* Head cannons!

An avian is a bird-like human with elegant wings of many colors. The species has a wingspan that extends up to 10 feet. To aid in flying, avians have hollow bones making them more susceptible to breaking but it makes them much lighter than they appear. Avians have extendable claws on their hands and have incredible balance. The species has slightly pointed ears that are parallel to the ground to increase their hearing due to the fact they mostly live in trees above the forest floor. The avians mostly live in jungles but some societies live in other forests or on high mountains. In the past, there were many wars between avian societies and other hybrid or human societies over land and resources making avians one of the most historically aggressive hybrids. Due to the common trait of claustrophobia among the race, avians lack easy access to minerals and tend to steal and fight over precious stones. From a young age, many avians had been taught how to fly and fight but now that tradition is diminishing due to more peaceful ideals. Even though avians are much more peaceful, many people discriminate against the race due to their looks and bloody past. [Known avians: Grian, Pearl, and Maire]

~Lunar Elf~
The lunar elf is one of the common elf species, generally more nocturnal, the lunar elf has impeccable night vision and can draw energy and power from the moon itself. Lunar elves tend to have a pale complexion due to the fact that they get a little sun. Lunar elves have pointed ears, slanted upwards, rumor has it that they can hear the moon and stars call to them on some nights. Some lunar elves can have limited water powers due to the fact that the moon affects the tides and the species is linked to the lunar body. Lunar elves are associated with secrecy and mystery, often accused of hiding things and taking part in crime due to their slight magic and night-owl tendencies. Lunar elves tend to keep to themselves but on some rare occasions, they will interact with other hybrids making people claim they are racist when in reality they are just anti-social. [Known lunar elves: Grian, Pearl, and Darcel]

~Lapicentaur/Rabbit-Human~The lapicentaur is most commonly seen as a human with rabbit ears and a rabbit tail though some species have red eyes. Lapicentaurs tend to be very energetic and playful. Most lapicentaurs are white rabbits with the rare case of red eyes, often associated with the "murder bunnies" due to the fact that in the past, this hybrid has often gone "yandere" making people avoid them. Not much is known about lapicentaurs seeing as they are an uncommon hybrid. [Known lapicentaurs: Sam Gladiator and Stanley Gladiator]

~Cynocephali/Dog-human~The cynocephali can take many forms but it is most commonly seen as a human with dog ears and a dog tail. This hybrid tends to have sharper canines and stronger night vision. [Known cynocephalies: Ren]

~Wizards and witches~
Wizards and witches are very similar hybrids, both use magic and concoct potions. Wizards tend to use crystals when doing magic while witches more commonly recite spells. [Known witches/wizards: Stress, Scar, Aronin, and Etho]

~Woodland elf~The woodland elf is another common elf often living in forests. Woodland elves tend to be taller and have green eyes. The species has upward-pointed ears to hear things happening in the upper canopy of the trees. Woodland elves are very connected to nature and are sometimes able to coax plants to grow and help them gain strength. Woodland elves are also well connected to animals and some have been rumored to talk to animals or at least have a better understanding of what the creature is trying to say. Woodland elves tend to have a love for music, especially woodwind instruments. There have been many wars between the woodland elves and the avians over forests for both species wanted control of the land but now the war has diminished and both species live in peace but they often dislike each other, spreading rumors or discriminating against the other hybrid. [Known woodland elves: Scar and Ethedie]

~Admins~Little is known about the admin other than they were created by voidlings and have the power to rule over and create servers due to their ability to manipulate the code. Admin magic comes in many forms and colors. Admins are typically able to feel another admin or hybrid's power when coming in contact with them, giving them a good idea about the person's strength. [Known admins: Xisuma Void, Eyn Void, Grian, and Maire]

~Blazebornes~Blazebornes are nether-born hybrids that have fire-resistant skin allowing them to survive in the nether without burning themselves. They have scaled wings allowing them to navigate the nether safely. They have whip-like tails that they can use both offensively and defensively. Blazebornes have a natural heat radiating off of them and some can even summon flames. [Known blazebornes: Tango Tek and Hels Knight]

~Satyr/Goat-human~Satyrs are often depicted as human or other hybrids with goat or ram horns, hooves, and short tails. Satyrs have strong balance and resistance to the cold chill of the world. Satyrs tend to be strong and can lift quite a lot despite their size. [Known satyrs: Doc and Zedaph]

~Cervitaur/Deer-human~Cervitaurs and generally anti-social creatures and yet another player in the war for the forests, though allied with the woodland elves. You can identify a cervitaur by the curling antlers and freckle-like spots that dot its cheeks, upper arms, and thighs. Cervitaurs tend to have deer-like noses and short, upward-pointing tails. Cervitaurs are commonly hybrids with woodland elves and have had a long-lasting alliance with the elven nation. Cervitaurs have limited communication with animals and can also manipulate nature but not as strongly as woodland elves. [Known cervitaurs: Gem]

~Vexlings~Vexlings are very similar to avians but their wings are often grey or white and tend to have a more leathery texture. Vexlings also have the ability to travel through walls and tell whether or not someone is lying. [Known vexlings: Cub Fan, Scar, and Aronin]

~Creeper-Human~Creeper-human hybrids, often just called creepers, tend to have green skin and black eyes. They are able to sneak up behind any creature without it noticing and are able to create small explosions. Creepers also have a terrible fear of cats and will do everything in their power to avoid them. [Known creepers: Doc]

~Zombie~The zombie hybrid is simply a zombie that is more cognizant and has stronger intelligence, therefore not having the urge to attack or kill humans or other hybrids. Zombies are able to sustain major injuries and cannot be killed making them feared amongst other creatures. Zombies also have night vision and can detach limbs whenever they feel the need to, though this isn't commonly used. [Known zombies: Cleo]

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