Chapter Four

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Wooo! I'm back! Sorry for the wait, writer's block is a bastard. Anyway, I also wanted to say thanks because this book is currently ranking #27 in Scarian which is a huge accomplishment for me. Have a wonderful time and I hope you enjoy the new chapter! (Damn that's a long intro...)

[Word count: 2433]

 The math teacher greeted the boys as they entered the classroom. "Welcome my name is Mr. Glen! The new seating chart is on the board," Their teacher said, his blue eyes glancing at the board.

Grian walked in and stole a quick glance around the room. It wasn't as decorated as Mr. Vincent's room but it was nice. Rather than having tables for two people, Mr. Glen had single-person desks. The avian quickly found his seat, frowning. He was near the front. Scar sat a row behind him.

The teacher's desk was polished cedar wood and there was a small potted cactus next to the desktop computer. There were thin, translucent, blue curtains over the windows, flooding the room with blue light.

More students came in and soon, most of the desks were filled. Mr. Glen closed the door and Grian glanced at the seat beside him. It was empty.

Mr. Glen clapped his hands, startling the avian. "Right! Today we will be-" The door opened and a familiar noirette walked in, followed by a ginger. Mr. Glen frowned, "Not only have you interrupted me but you are late. Take your seats, Micheal and Henry. Top student or not, Micheal, you need to be on time."

The noirette took the seat beside Grian and the avian frowned. The ginger sat a few rows back. "As I was saying," Mr. Glen began again, "Today we will be taking a test for the rest of the semester. You aren't expected to know everything on here but this will affect how you are taught, don't be worried. This is just to show me what topics everyone needs help with."

There was a faint thump behind Grian and he glanced over his shoulder. Scar's head was on his desk and he had a large frown on his face. Grian smiled faintly.

"Make sure to take one paper and pass the rest back," Their teacher instructed.

When Grian got the paper he quickly scribbled a note before passing it on to Scar. You'll be okay. He wrote. And he heard Scar whisper, "Thanks"

Grian looked over the test and began, catching Micheal glancing over. The blonde carefully put his arm on his desk to block the noirette's view. There was an irritated chuckle from his left and he grinned.

The test covered many different topics and Mr. Glen was reading a book while he waited for students to finish.

Around forty minutes into the class Grian stood. He flipped the papers back to their original order and strode over to Mr. Glen's desk. "Ah! Finished already?" The math teacher asked, glancing at the clock on the wall. Grian only nodded. "Well then I'll take that off your hands and you can spend the rest of the period as you wish." Grian thanked him with a slight bow and hurried back to his desk.

"Not even gonna try huh?" Micheal asked from beside him.

"Or maybe you're just not as good as you think," Grian retorted, there was a small chuckle from behind him. Grian smiled to himself and pulled his earbuds from his bag and scrolled through his playlists.

As the music filled his head the avian pulled out his sketchbook. He wanted to prepare for the ELA project and began a couple of base sketches and the material list.

Time seemed much faster when Grian was listening to music. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see people getting up and turning in their tests. His wings twitched and the avian glanced over his shoulder. Scar was standing with the test in hand, he smiled at the blonde and hurriedly walked to their teacher. A few more students turned in their tests, Mr. Glen grading them as they came in.

.:A New World:. [Hermitcraft Highschool AU] [Scarian]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora