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A/n: This chapter contains talks about sex. You have been warned. 

"And you are all done here, Steve," Nancy said as she finished bandaging Steve's neck in the restroom of their hideout (Robin was there, helping Nancy with fixing up Steve). After Nancy was done, Robin began cleaning up for Nancy. 

"I still can't wrap my head around Eddie being a vampire." Robin admitted while she threw away the bloodied cotton ball in the trash bin, "I mean, I know I saw him coming out of his bat form... and I've seen all sorts of weird shit but it is still unreal. You know?" 

"Yeah-- I'm still grasping it myself... Where is Eddie?" Steve asked while he reach up to touch his neck. 

"He's with Dustin in the back. Dustin wanted to see if he had any other powers, you know? Like Dracula." Robin explained to him. 

"So-- what was it like when Eddie bit you?" Nancy blurted out. Steve  and Robin shot Nancy a look, "What?" 

"Do you think this is the time to ask that question?" Robin asked her. 

"Pretty much. And like you're not curious!" Nancy shot at Robin. Robin opened her mouth for a second before clamming shut. Steve chuckled. 

"Fine, I'll tell you what happen when Eddie bit me... but you have to tell me more about you and Carol." Steve offered to Nancy. Nancy snickered. 

"You don't want to hear about that--" 

"Yes, I do." Steve and Robin said in union. Steve and Nancy gave Robin a look, which she responded with a simple, 'what'. Nancy shook her head. 

"What do you want to know?" Nancy asked. 

"For starters, how did that even happen? I thought for a long time you and Carol hated each other. Like seriously, hated each other." Steve asked first. Nancy chuckled. 

"Remember that night you and Tommy went out to try and get some more booze, which resulted in you two going to jail,  and Carol and I decided not to go with you two?" Nancy asked him. 

"Yeah, I remembered! It was the most uncomfortable night of my life! Tommy and I tried to call the house but you guys weren't-- WAIT! You're telling me that's the night you two hooked up?" Steve asked. 

"Well we didn't mean for it to happen. It just-- we found some booze that was already in the house and started drinking it... then one thing lead to the other and bam! We found ourselves waking up naked in your bed." Nancy confessed to him. 

"I can't believe it! Wait! Back in the Upside Down, you said you and Carol had a couple of times... how many exactly did you to do it?" Robin asked her. Nancy held her hand out in front of her as her thumb touch the tip of each of her finger as she counted in her head. 

"I think about... maybe... 3 or 4 times." Nancy explained. Steve and Robin's jaws dropped. 

"3 or 4 times?" Steve repeated. 

"Well-- you see-- Oh! It's not that big of a deal, it's over with and we weren't a couple anyway." Nancy explained to them, "So tell me what was it like when Eddie bit you?" 

"Wait! I still have more questions... like what exactly did you two do in bed? I mean... like... with gay men they have dicks to play with, but what do lesbians... play with... well besides boobies?" Steve asked her. Robin burst out laughing and nearly fell off the edge of the tub. Nancy bit her lips, trying to contain her giggles. 

"Maybe later... now tell us what it was like being bit by Eddie?" Nancy pleaded with Steve. He felt himself start to blush. 

"Okay, okay... you remember how I teased you about reading those vampire stories where when the vampire bit the person neck they suddenly turn horny?" Steve asked her. 

"Yeah..." Nancy mumbled. 

"Well-- it turns out that it's true. You do get horny after they bite you." Steve admitted. Nancy and Robin chuckled. 

"Did you two... you know?" Robin asked. Steve shook his head. 

"No. We've been so busy with everything. I mean he rubbed himself against my pelvis but that was about it." Steve explained to them. 

"I wish this whole nightmare thing was over and done with so you two could have some time together." Robin said to him. Steve felt his stomach drop. 

"Well... I don't think even if this nightmare thing was over Eddie would have me." Steve confessed. 

"What are you talking about?" Robin asked. 

"I may... uh... said something..." 

"Oh no! What did you say?" Robin shouted at him. 

"It was nothing bad. It was... after he had removed his teeth from my neck and put me down, I asked him to leave the stall." Steve explained to them, "I didn't mean it in a rude way. I just... I knew we needed to leave the stall one at a time and I certainly wasn't going to out there. I wasn't entirely composed enough to go out first." Steve admitted to them. Nancy and Robin began chuckling again. 

"I don't think Eddie was offended when you said that. I'm sure he understood where you were coming. Just explain it to him just in case and he'll be fine." Nancy suggested to him. 

"Maybe... but he's right now with Dustin. Dustin's not going to stop his experimenting with Eddie for me to try and explain to him what I meant in the bathroom," Steve explained to them, "now back to my earlier question..."

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