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A/n: This chapter contains violence. You have been warned. 

Hopper parked right outside Town Hall followed by Billy's car. One by one they hopped out of their cars and headed inside the building. 

"Lizzy, you're with me. Billy, Bob, and Joyce stay outside, keep a look out and make sure his secretary doesn't call the police on us." Hopper ordered while making his way through the door, "Hey, is he in?" 

"yes, he's busy at the moment, but-- EXCUSE ME!" the secretary began when Hopper and Lizzy continued walking through towards Kline's office. Hopper burst through the office door as Lizzy followed behind. Kline was on the phone, but one look at the two of them, he proceed to hang up. Lizzy carefully shut the door before locking it behind them. 

"Jim-- and-- Um... who's this?" Kline asked, pointing at Lizzy. 

"I know, I know, you're busy. I'm gonna make this fast, I promise." Hopper assured him. 

"Is there-- some kind of problem?" Kline asked. 

"Yeah. You might say that. Um, I'm looking for the name of a guy." 

"Name of a guy." 

"Yeah, I think you might know this guy. He was here the other day. rides a motorcycle. Big build, square jaw, dark hair. He's probably military, maybe ex-military? Is this ringing... any bells?" Hopper asked. 

"I don't think so." 

"Really? 'Cause it was just two days ago. This was right before I saw you."

"Oh! You know who it might me? The Maintenance?"  

"Yeah. I can't remember his name. Candice will have his name on file. We've had trouble with the plumbing. Clogged toilets and... sinks with mind of their own." Kline chuckled. 

"You meeting with a lot of plumbers, Larry?"  

"Excuse me?" 

"This guy, when I saw him, he was coming out of your office." 

"Okay-- well, I don't remember that..." 

"He's lying Hopper." Lizzy blurted out, "Honestly, I didn't have to read his mind. You're a terrible liar for someone in Politics." 

"I agree, Lizzy." Hopper stated. Kline laughed before standing up from his chair. 

"I don't what you two having going on. But I'm not going to stand here taking shit from a drunk and junkie copper and an attention seeking, monstrous Emo-Goth chick, who is clearly a whor--" Kline started to say till he was flung off the ground. Hopper jumped a little as he watched, Lizzy beginning to fling Kline all over the room, slamming him into walls, the floor and the desk. Lizzy then hoisted him into the air, a strip of the ceiling tearing off before it became flexible and thin then wrapped around Kline's throat. 

"Lizzy! You can stop... Lizzy!" Hopper called out. Lizzy wasn't listening. Hopper could see Kline hit a cord in Lizzy as her eyes were beaming with pure heated rage. through the door, they could hear Candice calling out Larry. Kline was choking and shaking violently as he clawed at the piece of ceiling that clung to his throat. 

"LIZZY!" Hopper screamed. Lizzy soon lowered her arm before Kline dropped directly onto the floor, flopping like a fish out of water.  

"Lizzy why don't you go outside and get some air?" Hopper suggested to her. Lizzy didn't even say a word or look at Hopper as she turned on her heels, unlock the door and stormed out of the room then locked it from the other side. Hopper then lowered himself till he was staring Kline in the face. 

"Now you either tell me who he is... Or I'm going to go get Lizzy again and this time she can rip your limbs off one by one. What's it going to be?" 

"Lizzy? Hey, Lizzy!" Billy called her as she stormed from the office. Lizzy marched her way through the corridors till she was standing outside the building; right outside the doors. She tried to take some deep breaths, trying to calm her rage. Those words from his lips hit her like a ton of bricks. She didn't expect herself to react like that. Her sudden rage even frightened her. Was she losing it? Was she finally going mad? 

"Lizzy?" She turned to find Billy walking out of the front door, "Everything alright?" 

Lizzy shook her head, tears on the brim of her eyes. 

"I may have lost it in there." Lizzy admitted to him, wiping her tears from her eyes, "He say some things that made me snap and... I nearly choked the man to death. I've been called so much worst--- SO much worst-- over the years and him calling me an 'attention-seeking, monstrous Emo-Goth Chick, who's clearly a whore' was the one that made me snap." 

Lizzy suddenly felt Billy's arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her against his chest as his face buried in her neck. 

"He's wrong. You're not attention-seeking, you're not monstrous. And so what if you're an Emo-Goth Chick. I love your beautiful goth self. Don't listen to him, beautiful. You're perfect." He told her. Lizzy tsked. 



"You didn't say anything about the part where he's wrong for calling me a whore." Lizzy pointed out, shooting him a glare. Billy lifted his head up as he tilted his head. 

"But is he wrong about that part? I mean you are very, very horny woman. So horny in fact, I'm shock you're not riding me as we speak--" Billy comment while Lizzy slapped him in the chest.

"Me horny? You're the one who's the horniest in our relationship!" Lizzy shot at him. 

"That's because you make such beautiful 'happy screams'." Billy confessed. The both of them burst out laughing as Billy lightly brushed Lizzy's hair back behind her ear, "There's my smile. It's always a better day when Lizzy Greene's smiling." 

Lizzy chuckled before placing a a small peck at his lips while Billy wrapped his arms back around Lizzy's waist before his hands ran up and down her back. 

"Oh for the love of God! You two are so horny, you could give the Addams Family lessons!" Billy and Lizzy broke free of their kiss to find Hopper holding tightly onto Kline's arm with Joyce and Bob following behind him. 

"Lets go Kiddos, we got more important things to deal with." Hopper told them as he dragged Kline down the steps and headed towards their car. Billy and Lizzy looked at each other before rushing down the stairs after them. 

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