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After explaining to Kay/0 our new situation he seemed more accepting than I thought he would be. Granted he is robotic but his intelligence is that of a soldier, I thought maybe he would be more resilient to working with once enemies... well, the faces of our enemies. Its still strange to me. To see the faces that killed so many of those I held close try to be friendly, laughing warmly with eachother... apart from reyna. That still confused me... and unsettled me. Bloodthirsty, sadistic queen of radiants acting all... predatory? It sounds normal but considering the context of that conversation it was the complete opposite of how she should act. Well, they are different to some degree. I guess I still blur the line between this dimensions radiants and my own.

Speaking of reyna, she had given me sone distance while Kay/0 was next to me. I don't know if it's because she's wary of him or if she was giving me time with an old friend. Either way I was thankful she had kept her distance.
"Sir, what is killjoy like from this dimension?" Asked my robotic friend. I furrowed my brows in confusion at his seemingly out of the blue question. Although I had gotten him to stop calling me lieutenant he still insisted on giving me some sort of title. Sir was the best I could get out of him. He's stubborn but that was part of his charm.
"I.. don't know, I haven't spoken to her yet. Why do you ask?" I replied back with my own question.
"Because she has been giving me strange looks. Almost... hungry? I don't understand it." He replied. I let out a small chuckle, grinning slightly. Just like my own killjoy.
"I wouldn't worry... too much. She's very similar to our own killjoy. I'm guessing she's just having a little nerd moment over you" I replied. Kay/0 still seemed unnerved by her looks. Suddenly, she stood up with a small grin on her face and started making her way over to us. I looked away, hoping she was just coming to talk to Kay/0. Fortunately that was her goal.
"Hey newbie, hey Kay/0. I've been thinking. To cancel out radiant abilities you must use radianite right?" She asked. I looked away, allowing Kay/0 to do the talking. While I would be able to answer most of her questions about him, being there when he was built, I still couldn't talk to her. Atleast without being reminded of my own German Tech girl.
"It's more complicated than that but.. yes. Why?" Kay/0 replied.
"Well, the carrier we're on uses radianite to jump long distances. I don't know if that could harm you so I would like to give you a quick examination" she stated. I internally giggled slightly. Only she would think about that. It was a good question, one I knew the answer to... it wouldn't. Kay/0 was built to have no counters, so radianite had next to no impact on him. But she didn't know that and I didn't want to talk to her yet. Kay/0 looked to me and I gave him am almost pleading look that killjoy spotted but, thankfully, didn't comment on.
"Sure, as long as you don't go messing about with my parts" he agreed. With a few quiet whirring sounds he stood up and beckoned killjoy to lead him somewhere else. She did so with a beaming smile on her face. It simultaneously warmed my heart and hurt it to see that smile once again.

They walked away and I was back into a comforting silence. Which was immediately broken by a woosh of air and a rambunctious wind user sliding into the seat next to me.
"So, your robot friends cute. He single?" She asked jokingly. I sighed in irritation.
"I'm only joking. He packs quite a punch though. Good to have him on our side" she spoke again. I resigned to the fact I would never have silence when she's around and finally responded to her.
"It's what he was built for" was my only response.
"Oh yeahhh, you helped create him. With your killjoy aswell"
I gave her a fierce glare which she laughed awkwardly at.
"Alriiiight, touchy subject. We'll brush past that..." she replied, obviously uncomfortable. I just leaned my head back, trying to yet again to achieve a peaceful silence. Stupid to try considering I'm sat next to the definition of invading personal space.
"Soooo... lieutenant aye? Didn't realise you were one of the big dogs" she started the conversation off again. I just rolled my eyes at her attempts to start a conversation.
"Not anymore... not in this dimension." I spoke. Brief memories popped up of my time under my commander, a sad but proud time in my life.
"Well that's partly true I guess, brimstone probably wouldn't give you lieutenant because he hasn't known you for very long. But I for one put more faith in you now. Knowing you had that title in your home world shows you have more skill than you let on" she responded. I sat stunned for a second before rolling my eyes yet again.
"I didn't want or need that title but it was practically forced into me. Mainly because i was the only person, other than brim, able to control so many people in the resistence." Jett wrapped an arm around me but I shrugged it off.
"I'd rather not have your pity radiant" I spat back, though I couldn't muster any venom behind my words. I don't understand why I was telling her this. Jett didn't seemed fazed at all by my insult, just gave me a bright grin.
"Oh well, I'll get a hug out of you eventually. Mark my words" she vowed. I could only chuckle.
"Sure you will"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2023 ⏰

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