New friend and Old friend

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"Why didn't you save me?" She asked, venom leaking from her tone. My eyes stung as tears slowly slid down my cheeks.
"I-I tried" was the only words I could choke out as she glared at me.
"You tried? YOU TRIED? WELL THAT WASNT GOOD ENOUGH!!! I'M DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU!!!!" She shouted. Every word felt like a stab to the heart. It was the worst pain I had ever felt.
"I'm sorry.. I'm so so sorry" was my reply. My legs collapsed under me and I crashed to the floor, wallowing in self pity and sadness.
"Well sorry isn't gonna bring me back is it? I should have never tried to be a sister to you. It only got me killed" she stated, her tone cold as ice.
"I'm sorry... I'm sorry...I'm so so sorry... Killjoy... -"


"IM SORRY!!!!!" I screamed, launching out of my bed. Mt vision was blurry as tears streamed out of my eyes. Rapid breathing and a slight sob was the only sound that could be heard in the dark room, barely illuminated by the moonlight shining through the window. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself before collapsing back Into the bed.
'Damnit, they're getting worse' I thought to myself. Hopefully no one heard that.

My eyes glanced to the analog clock on my bedside table
'4:37 am'
Great, less than 2 hours sleep and I can't drift back off. I sat up in the bed, grabbing a box of Ciggarettes with a lighter before standing up and stretching my back. Before exiting the room I grabbed my phone and card, ensuring I wouldn't lock myself out the room on my first night here.

Fortunately, the halls were slightly lit by dim light stripes along the floor, leading me around the building. I followed them until I reached a balcony overlooking the forest. 'The smoking area' as the commander put it because we're not allowed to smoke indoors. Pulling out a cigarette I held it in my mouth before sparking my lighter. After a few tries a pale flame emitted to which I sucked through the cancer stick, inhaling the the nicotine into my lungs. I let out a sigh of relief upon feeling the fumes hit my lungs.
"You know smoking is bad for you right?" Spoke a voice from behind me, causing me to jump and spin around in suprise. Upon turning around I was greeted to the sight of a tired looking sage in a tank top hanging loosely off one shoulder and a pair of tight fitting shorts. Her hair was messy, which somehow added to her allure and a light blue fluffy blanket was wrapped around her shoulders, clutched tightly to her body.
"What are you doing awake?" I asked after tearing my eyes away from her figure.
"Well I was awoken in the middle of the night to a scream and I couldn't go back to sleep without making sure whoever it was is okay" she replied, causing me to groan in embarrassment.
"You heard that?" I asked to which she giggled slightly.
"Don't worry, most walls are insulated so only me, reyna and maybe viper heard you" she replied, causing me to groan even more.
"Great" I stated sarcastically, taking another drag. I turned around, leaning against the railing and staring off into the trees. After a few seconds of silence I felt a warmth envelop around me and an arm wrap around my shoulder.
"What are you doing?" I asked, trying to get out of her vice like grip.
"It's cold and your in just a shirt, I'm keeping you warm." She replied to which I rolled my eyes. No point even trying to fight her, these radiants are stupidly strong and she has this weird obsession with trying to help me with literally everything.
"So... you knew Killjoy in your world?" She asked. I froze and my eyes bulged out my head.
"W-what?" I stuttered. I didn't even care that I looked like a fool.
"You.. were screaming her name out I'm pretty sure " she replied. I stayed quiet, opting to take a drag from the cancer stick between my fingers instead.
"... you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, I won't pry. Just... I'm worried about you. You've had two night terrors in the last 6 hours. I'm just worried about you" she stated. I had to suppress the urge to roll my eyes.
"I'm fine, so drop it" I demanded to which she hummed lightly.
"Okay. Just know my dorm number is 108 if you ever need to talk to someone." She replied, hugging me. Nodding my head in acknowledgement I took a final drag from my cigarette then flicked it away.
"Well you better get off back to bed" she told me, unwrapping the blanket from around me. I let an involuntary shiver run down my spine as the ice cold air nipped at my skin.
"Yeah, I'll see what sleep I can get" I replied, earning a concerned face from sage as I walked out.
"Not joining me?" I asked as I reached the door.
"Not yet, I still want to gaze at this night sky" she stated. Weird but who am I to judge?
"Well.. goodbye? I guess?" And with that I sunk into the darkness of the building, wondering why I seemed to show care to this.. radiant.

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