Mission aftermath

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"Killjoy!!" I shouted, running over to her limp body. There was fire everywhere and pieces of the lab was collapsing and crashing to the ground. My lungs were burning from the Ash and smoke. I couldn't breathe.
"Y/n" she rasped, slowly lifting her arm to grab onto mine. I frantically tried to cover her open wounds but blood just seemed to pour out everywhere.
"No no no no no no no not you too!!!" I cried. Tears fell from my eyes but I couldn't care. I grabbed hold of her body, hugging it close to mine as I wept into her.
"Y/n.. its fine...... everything will be alright" she rasped, wrapping her arms around me.
"It won't though. I can't lose you too. Please just hold on" I begged. I was hysterical, everything happened too fast. I had no time to react.

Slowly, her arms went limp and dropped to the floor with a thump. I went deathly silent, staring at her limp body in my arms. I couldn't process she was gone. Just a couple minutes ago we were laughing and joking with eachother. She was like my big sister and now...... now she's gone.
"Hahahahahahaha" a bone chilling laughter cut through the sound of roaring flames as Footsteps walked towards me. Glancing up at the person responsible I couldn't help but shake slightly in fear. Deep purple eyes cut through the smoke glaring down at me.
"Hehe.. found you" she giggled, aiming her gun at me.
"Look me in the eyes" was her final words before pulling the trigger.

"*gasp*" I shot up gasping for breath. My heart was pounding like a drum and my eyes were watering up.
"Hey hey hey calm down, your on the transport" came Jett's voice behind me. Strangely, hearing her voice soothed me enough to think clearly.
"You want to drop the knife?" She asked.
My eyes glanced to my outstretched hand, clutching my combat knife so tight my knuckles were as white as paper. I slowly lowered the knife, holstering it back onto my thigh. All three radiants were staring at me in concern but I just brushed off their stares.
"What? I can't have a bad dream?" I asked, sitting up in my seat. It was only now I realised my head was resting on Jett's thighs. How did that happen?
The girls didn't respond, instead just staring at me in concern.
"Do you have nightmares often?" Asked sage but I just ignored her.
"How long until we land?" I asked.
"Five minutes. Also, you can just put your stuff in the onboard locker, it's taken from here to be cleaned and inspected anyway" neon replied to which I hummed in acknowledgement. I don't know why I'm talking with these things... maybe I'm just tired?
"So what do you plan on buying with your credits?" Asked Jett, causing me to furrow my eyebrows in confusion.
"My what?" I asked to which she got confused.
"Did the commander not tell you about the credits system?" She asked to which I shook my head.
"Basically credits are the currency we have for on base. It can buy you pretty much anything you can think of. You get 500 credits to start off, 300 as a weekly wage and you can earn credits through missions and self improvement. By self improvement I mean using the gym or gun range to improve your skills, which can earn you 5 credits an hour. Credits earned from missions vary by difficulty but there's 3 main difficulties. 1 star earns you 500 credits, 2 star earns you 800 and 3 star earns you 1200. If a mission increases in difficulty your compensated extra but that's decided by brimstone. Oh yeah, for every elimination you get or spike defused you get an extra 150 ontop so your gonna have a good few credits after this" she finished, inhaling a large amount of air. I just stared at her in shock at the fact she said that all in one breath. She blushed slightly in embarrassment before speaking again.
"Did brimstone give you a card and phone?" She asked to which I thought back to when he was guiding me around the base.
"Yes he did" I replied, reaching into my back pocket and pulling out a phone with a card holder on the back of the case. It was just an average phone with a matte black colour scheme, which was perfect for me.
"So if you open your phone and go to agent account you can see how much you have. You can also add people as friends so you can send messages and also request money. Which I'll probably be doing with you" she said, muttering the last part. I ignored that bit and unlocked my phone, exploring everything on it. First I opened my account and examined my 'income'

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