First mission

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Upon entering the armoury the first thing I saw was the blue haired radiant, sitting on a bench with her arms behind her head and a cocky smile on her face, already loaded up with some sort of assault rifle and a short double barreled shotgun.
"What took you so long, feels like I've been waiting here hours" she said with a chuckle to which I stared at her.
"Unfortunately I'm not a freak" I spoke sarcastically, examining all the weapons I could see in the room.
"Shersh, touchy much? It's fine, I understand your jealous" she said, grinning even wider. This angered me but I kept it down, ignoring her. At the same time, Jett and sage wondered in.
"Always so eager aren't you neon" said sage, picking up an assault rifle, pistol and holsters. Jett however went the opposite, grabbing an smg and pistol, both silenced.
"What you grabbing newbie?" Asked the wind user.
"I'm still looking" I replied.
"Well I'd suggest the vandal"
"The what?"
"An assault rifle, we nicknamed it the vandal. Solid and reliable, best one we have in my opinion" she replied.
While it sounded good, my eyes glanced towards a locker lined with about 20 rifles.
"What are these?" I asked
"That's the guardian, a semi automatic with a 12 bullet magazine. It's alright, mainly used for medium to long range" sage stated.
I took it off its holder, examining it and weighing it in my arms.
"Hmm..." I hummed, weighing the positives and negatives of using this weapon. After a short mental debate I grabbed a holster and slung the weapon across my back, grabbing a few magazines aswell.
"You sure you want that? It requires alot of skill and you have to be wary of how few bullets you have" Jett said to which I rolled my eyes
"I wouldn't have grabbed it if I couldn't use it" I deadpanned, walking over to the other side of the room. I started examining the many secondary weapons, deciding which I should choose.
"Okay okay... you know if you have a long range weapon then your going to want a shorter ranged weapon asw-" I cut her off before she could continue
"I think I can equip myself thanks"
Jett recoiled slightly at that. Neon's smile dropped and a fierce glare was fired towards me.
"Hey she's just trying to help, you don't have to be a dick about it" neon exclaimed.
"And I don't need it, especially from a radiant" I spat.
"What's your problem man, we're just trying to be nice!"
"And I don't want to associate with you. I'm here to help defend your world not make friends so I suggest you fu-" I was cut off by the radiant healer
"That's enough, we have a mission to complete and we don't need our team arguing before we've even left the armoury" she demanded. I scoffed before holstering an average pistol and a few magazines for it.
"Just don't get in my way" I spat before heading for the hangar. Thankfully, brimstone had showed me where it was before we went to the cafeteria.

Time skip

After the small argument we had loaded onto a mobile carrier to take us to the mission. While I hated to admit it, the radianite powered vehicle was impressive, I was in awe at the design and convenience. From what I heard, upon reaching a certain speed it could warp to any location in a matter of minutes. If only we had a vehicle like this in the resistance. I guess if there was 'harmony' between our races we might have had this in our world.

My 'teammates' were sat on the opposite side of the cargohold, chatting happily amongst eachother. With Neon throwing an occasional glare my way. Not that I was jealous, far from it. I was savouring the peace that the radiants clearly wanted to disturb for me. My train of thought was cut off as the cargo hold lights flashed blue and I was thrust into the back of my seat. I gasped air into my lungs and leaned forward as soon as it stopped.
"We're here, 2 minutes out" came the pilots voice. I sat up, checking my guns over and counting the bullets in my magazine.
"You ready?" Asked sage to which I stood up.
"Affirmative" I replied in a monotone voice.
Sage and the other two seemed taken aback by my change of tone and demeanour.
"Woah, you suddenly like us now?" Asked jett to which I held my tongue from an insult.
"This is a mission, no time for personal feelings" I stated, standing infront of the door. Before she could reply the door flew open, exposing us to the harsh cold climate. Cold air bit at my exposed skin and a shiver went down my spine.
'Of course my first mission is in the artic' i thought.
In the distance I could see bodies littering the ground, surrounded by a dark crimson liquid.
"Weapons up" I called, hopping out the carrier and moving forward. I heard 2 pairs of boots hit the ground behind me, presumably Jett and neon. Sage staying incase we were injured or need support.

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