Root 7

7 0 17

The pitter patter sound that the rain made was clear and melodious.

Cuddled up in bed, with a pile of pillows and Namjoon, somewhere in the mix, we watched the raindrops on my window.

"my drop won the race again." I chuckled at a defeated Namjoon.

We decided to officially date after what happened last night. And trust me, it wasn't an easy choice.

We considered all situations before taking this step, for example, if we broke up, would we go back to the same routine of babysitting Juniper? And wouldn't that be weird?

"As far as I know, I'm not going to be breaking up with you." He said, relaxed.

"I don't know if I'm saying this because you're my first boyfriend, but I can't imagine a situation where I'd ever leave you." I smiled.

Getting out of bed, I walked to the kitchen to make breakfast, which reminded me...

Seokjin didn't come home last night, which was great for Namjoon and I, but I'm also a bit worried about his whereabouts.

"maybe he did get lucky after all?" Namjoon guessed as he attempted to get out of the pillow mountain.

"Who has sex on the first date ew."
Jin's voice echoed in my mind.

Namjoon notices my concern and sighs.

"should we look for our youngest child?"

"yes please :( "

We ate, got dressed and headed out to the fancy club that Jin wouldn't shut up about.

"hi, would you happen to know when and with whom this guy left?" I showed a picture of Jinnie to the bouncer.

"he never left as far as I know, I only saw him enter. I'd assume he's staying at the hotel connected to the club." the bouncer spoke, trying his best to help.

Jin was right when he said this place was fancy. We thanked the bouncer and stepped in the castle-like lobby of the hotel.

In my peripheral vision, I saw a green corner with the most beautiful ferns and monstera plants I had seen.

Joon noticed too and held my hand while saying,

"It's tempting, I know.
But first, Kim Seokjin."


Bonsai Love.

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