Toying Around

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Chapter 4: Toying Around

"That nightmare again..."

Yuya sat up straight from his bed with a horrified expression on his face while also feeling sweaty. He had just woke up from his nightmare where he become Z-ARC and destroy everything on his sight.

"Having a nightmare, Yuya?" Zarc asked as he appeared on his side.

"Yeah, it was horrifying." Yuya nodded as he get up from his bed and take his pendant. "It was when I got bullied because I am a "son of coward"."

That was a lie. Yuya don't want to make Zarc felt guilty all over again by mentioning his real nightmare. Fortunately, Zarc believe that story. Sighed, Yuya then go to the bathroom to take a bath and dressed up.

He exited his room as he was thinking about what happened yesterday. He then thought about Sora. That cyan-haired boy is suspicious in many ways. He decide that for now, he'll keep an eye on him.

"Seriously, that guy is act suspicious. He just showed up and wanted to be my apprentice. I wonder if that guy is the spy that Ren talk about..."

However, he soon heard barking and looked to his right and saw a cat and dog walking towards him.

"En, Core!"

He then bent down and picked up the dog in his hands and smiled at him while the dog looked at him happily. "En, man you sure have gotten big. When mom brought you home with her, you were small enough to fit in the palm of my hand."

Yuya then looked down on the cat that was leaning on his leg. "And good morning to you too, Core."

"I just knew you were hungry. You poor little thing, so please eat as much as you want." Yuya was a little confused, did his mom adopt another animal?

He put En down and ran over to the fire pole and slid down it before he landed on the first floor of the living room. Rina was on the table eating her breakfast. Yuya then turned around towards the kitchen.

"Mom, did you pick up another stray..."

"Ah, teacher! Good morning." Sora greeted him as Yuya fell to the ground in shock over seeing Sora in his home this early in the morning.

"What the?! How did he know my house?!" Yuya inwardly yelled as he looked at Sora. "Why are you here?"

"He was wandering in front of our house. Whenever I see someone who's hungry, I have to pick him up." Yoko said as she give Yuya a pancake with maple syrup.

"Pick up an stray animal is one thing, but you can't just pick up humans like that." Yuya sweatdropped at his mom's antics.

"But isn't he your apprentice?" Yoko asked.

"No, he's not." Yuya said firmly.

"Whaaat?" Sora said in shocked.

"Don't 'whaaat' me, mister. Sheesh, not only did you get into my house, but you also got breakfast." Yuya sighed as he rubbed his temples.

"It's no use, brother." Rina, who already done his breakfast, called out. "I tried before mom refused to let him leave without eating."

"C'mon, it's fine. Your sister's pancakes are delicious." Sora said.

"Huh? Sister?" Yoko is surprised.

"Wait, you're not his sister? I'm sorry. Since you're so young and beautiful, I thought you were his sister."

As the word "sister" echoes in Yoko's mind. She's really happy with that. "Oh my! Young and beautiful? How honest of you! Since you like them, you can have more pancakes."

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