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Roe's p.o.v.

Kai turned out to be a lot more ruffed up then I was but Tamaki was still feeling over protective so he had undercover body guards stationed in my now repaired café. I was glad to be home and with my family. That night when I went to sleep in my own bed Ariel snuck in on us, when were asleep. She was currently off to preschool and I was in the back of the café baking when my husband came into the kitchen.

"How's things pretty quiet?", he asks wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Pretty much, just testing out some ideas.", I say smiling at him as I turn around to face him only to be met with his lips on mine in a more urgent manner then normal before he pulls me against him.

"I missed you so much today mi amore, after those guys took you I thought my heart would stop beating if I lost you.", he says looking at me his eyes swirling with passion.

"I missed you too, I missed this. ", I say looking into his violet eyes.

"Haruhi and Kai are supposed to come by today.", I say happily wanting to lighten the mood.

"Are they gonna make peace.", he asks.

"I think so, Kai's been in the dark as to why Haruhi was acting that way, but after there encounter Haruhi doesn't want to be on bad terms with her anymore. ", I say as I hear a bell.

"Think that's them?", he asks.

"Only one way to find out.", I say grabbing a tray of cakes for the display case as we go out and he gets the door for me and sure enough it's Kai, and Haruhi , a Hikaru in tow.

"Hikaru, I'll be ok this time.", Kai says slightly winey,

"Just be patient with me, I lost you once and could of lost you again. Finding you fighting off a guy double you size is kind of scary for a husband. ", Hikaru says.

Well this is just great, Haruhi wont speak if he's here. It'll be to embarrassing,

"Oh Hikaru , maybe Tamaki and you can come up with a better pain scheme for the men's bathroom, I'm not sure I'm sold on it.", I say as I nudge my husband standing by me as I load cakes in the case.

Haruhi gives me a thankful look, "Why me, why can't you look?", he says

"It's business hours and it's a men's bathroom. ", I say smirking.

"It's ok Hikaru, you and Tamaki go talk about bathroom ideas. You'll just be in the next room.", Kai says rubbing Hikaru's arm.

"Ok then,", the red headed twin says as he and my unsuspecting husband enter the men's room.

"I nod once there out of hearing and move to act as a look out.

"Kai, I'm so sorry about everything, I wrote you off as frivolous and then when you moved here and the twins took to you I got jealous. I had feelings for Hikaru, and he opened up to you as soon as you met. In class it as Kai this, Kai that, she's so cute etc. He was falling so hard for you and after our date I realized I had a thing for him, but you disappeared and he freaked and then he ran out found you, and before the trip was done you got his first kiss and him.

Tamaki's princessМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя