Chapter 16

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1/27/29 : 3 αm
"Dude, Butters is at the old man's house. This is pretty freaky. I'm pretty startled.
–Stan, shut up, or he'll fucking hear us.
-Mmmph Shh mmh, mm dnh whhna dhh.
-Okay, wait, guys. We should get a good look at it.
*jumping and rain noises. sliding of manhole lid.*
-Look! Right there, the special Butter Beast.
-Stan, shut that damn t̵͎̺̏͆͐͆́̀̽h̶͎̯̩̪͎̬̭̍́́͝͝í̷̧̉̿̍̈̈́͘̚n̴̛̜̩͋̆̈́́̑̌ģ̴̨͍͓͈͊̌̄͗̊ ̷̲̲̺̰̑̇́͘͝ͅo̶̮̹̼͇̓̚f̴̫͉̙́͋̐̈́̕͘f̷͉̤̋̆͘!̷̗̤̖͙̹̤̃̇̽̌̕"

Kenny closes the manhole, and I feel a burning sensation in my chest that moves to my stomach. Kenny grabs me by the arm, and I puke. The tears well, and I choke out my sobs as I'm forced to run with Kenny. I felt queasy, sick to my stomach. There was no going back, no saving Kyle.
My throat had closed up, and the fear and disgust made way for adrenaline, and I stumbled around, streaking across the forest. It didn't take long before my legs had begun to throb, and they had already been shaking. My last bit of hope was shriveling up, and I didn't know how to take on what unfolded before my eyes.
The heads, the missing eyes. Hell, Cartman fucking died, then Kyle. Kyle was dead. I was beyond scared, and I heard the howls, the most horrid howls that warbled into the screams of Kyle. My feet grinded onto the crunchy leaves that splayed across the ground and the snow. Rain pounded in my ear, and now my legs were about this close to giving out. Kenny was even more miserable than me, and blood was sprouting from the bandage. We were both hysterical, I could tell– well, the many things I couldn't tell is if I'd make it past this day, and even if I did, I didn't know if I'd be able to live past what I'd seen these past days, and deal with the guilt of watching my friends die.
The only thought that ran through my mind was; God, please save me. I swerve through the trees, panting and huffing. The pounding of rain protects me and Kenny slightly from the creature, and then when I look back, lightning strikes across the forest, blazing into a tree, and upon the corner, it sits there, gagging before releasing another scream, one of exactly like Kyle's. My jaw just hangs open in shock, but I have to keep pushing on. My limbs shake, and me and Kenny come to a halt as we come to the campsite. Course, it's shredded into just debris, but this was the exact campsite. Kenny quickly grabs my wrist and drags me forward, towards where we first came from when we had left our homes.
The screams grow closer, and I know that Butters is quite literally flanking us from behind. Kenny grabs onto my open bag, and pulls out the camera. He takes a quick picture of Butters and blinds him, giving us a few moments to run for our lives. This was the fastest I'd ever run, since we had been reaching the gates. Wind howls into my face and strikes me, before the rain comes seconds later. We're feet away from the gates, and completely out of the forest. But as I run, Kenny stops. "C-ccome on, d-dude." I stutter, voice gone cold. "I'm gonna die, but I'll come back. I always do, every single time." Kenny muffles. Confusion rings through my mind. It comes with the fear, sadness, and disgust. I choke back any words I could use to reply as Butters comes into view behind Kenny. Kenny slowly turns. "I'm ready for the pain, fucker!" Kenny howls, voice muffled. Butters towers over, then lunges for Kenny, digging his fingers into Kenny's eyes and gauging them out. He continues to shred Kenny up, and I stand there in fear. "O-oh my God, Butters killed Kenny."
I scream and full on sprint towards the people who guard the gate, who just saw everything. They lift their guns and begin shooting at Butters, but Kenny has already been ripped apart by the time Butters scurried on back into the forest.
The people who guard the gate have to rip me from sprinting to Kenny, and they walk me home.
"MY BABY! MY BABY!" My mother wails and swaddles me. I stand there numbly, tears still dwelling at my eyes. I lost everyone. Everything. Shelley frowns at looks at me, and my Dad isn't even at the house. "My friends, they're all dead." I stare at the ground. My mom places her hands on my shoulder. "It's okay! It's okay! I've got such a good boy, such a good boy." She brings me in for another hug, which I can't return. I slowly drop my bag from my shoulders. "You want your stupid videos and photos. You got it, Mayor." I take out the camera and set it down beside my bag, before I walk on up to my room. I didn't wanna be here anymore. Everyone was dead, and I didn't know if I could attend their funeral. I didn't know if I had the heart to sit there and think about the memories we all had. I wanted to be with my friends, I couldn't start anew. I couldn't forget about what happened. My phone rings. It's Wendy. I pick up.
"Stan? Stan? You're okay! I was so worried about you. I heard you're back home, it's on the news now!" Wendy blabs. I don't know if I have the gut to respond. "Stan?" Wendy repeats. "I-I'm sorry Wendy, I'll.. call you back." I hang up the phone. Making my way to my wardrobe, I open the drawer. Everything had fell to such shit. I wanted to be with my friends. I grab the whiskey by the neck and chug. Then I set it down and close the drawer. Shelly knocks on the door, or well.. punches it. "Turd! Open this door!"
I move to the door and open it, and she takes me by surprise with a literal hug. Which was so unexpected. "Look, I'm sorry for what happened to your friends, but don't be such a girl about it." She rasps, then turns and leaves. I shut the door behind her and turn to my bed.

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