Chapter 36: Trust

Start from the beginning

(Y/n) POV

Putting my phone on my pocket i entered the Cafe from a distance i could already tell who it was on the counter, a girl with pink hair looking slightly sleepy than her energetic look.

(Y/n):Hey Sera.

Sera:Huh? Oh hi (y/n).

(Y/n):Not looking any good today.

Sera:Oh...Akali and I have been up all night..


Sera:No she's actually helping me on a new song im trying to make.

(Y/n):Nice, let me hear it once you've record it?

Sera:Absolutely and of course ill need your help too~

I rolled my eyes and just smiled at her smirk.

(Y/n): You know my rates, now can i have my order? kinda starving.

Sera:So what would it be.

(Y/n):Ill have a Alfredo pasta, Turkey sandwich and a Macha latte with extra milk.

Sera:Hungry aren't we? Some's been working hard at their new gig.

She chuckles as she started typing on the screen for my order.

(Y/n):I haven't ate much last night gimme a break.

Sera:Then congratulation for a hard days work, that will be $25.56.

(Y/n):No friend discount?

Sera:ill put in a small extra piece of chicken breast and a sprinkle of cheese on your Alfredo.

She starts chuckling more though its nice her getting lively again.

(Y/n):Fine ill take that.

Sera:Ill get your drink ready then come to you, yeah?

(Y/n):Sounds good.

I didn't go further and just took a seat on the ground floor near the window area. Looking around the whole floor was half filled with people.

Maybe bringing Eve here wasnt the brightest of ideas.

I sat on the chair near the window to get some sunlight at least once in awhile than lurking in a corner. I brought out my phone to see any updates on the teams progress so far and any message for venues we can use for the Set. Most of the time i spent was still work related though it is nerve wracking of how much i have to be present in this whole project.

Sera:Heres your drink.

Greeted to the now cheerful pink haired waitress she placed the drink and sandwich on the table.

(Y/n):Thanks Sera.


(Y/n):Ben not around?

Sera:He took the shift off.

Her gaze went else were as her body language seemed like something was wrong.

(Y/n): things now progressing for the both of you?

Sera:good friends.

I brought up my hand and close it for a fist bump.

(Y/n):you know im rooting for you.

She smiled and lightly bumped my fist, after that she didn't say much but had to go back or else she'll get in trouble.

Sera POV

Half an hour has passed the day was getting slow with a bit of customers coming in today. Thinking about what (y/n) said i did a loud exhale from all that frustration.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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