23: seductive morning

ابدأ من البداية

"Oh my fucking God.. youre so adorable." Cassius chuckles squeezing my cheeks.

I scrunch my face up. "Stoppp!! That hurts." I smack his hands from my face and he hisses and rubs his hands with a pout.

Me, Malachai and Owen chuckle.

"You're such a baby!"
"So you got eaten out AND you got fingerd?!" Kim gasped and my eyes widened and threw my bedroom shoe at her head.

"Bitch they are in the living room they can hear us." I whispered yell.

She balled her lips up and slapped her hands over her mouth.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

"But yes.. all of that did happen and now I'm just dick struck." I sighed. She gave me a pat on the back and sighed with me. "Me too my friend me too.. I found this cute little sub at the club and he's so fucking cute we've already used a whole gallon of lu-"

I choked off of my saliva and looked at her like she was crazy. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN A WHOLE GALLON OF LUBE?"

She rolled her eyes at me.

"You're trying to kill that man." I stood up and fixed both of us new cups of lemonade.

"As if you're not going to be fucked throughly soon."

"Oh my goodness Kim! Stop talking." I slapped my face that was beginning to heat up.

I jumped at the presence of Malchai who was leaning against the wall just observing us. He chuckled at my expression and pulls me into a kiss.

I accept it wholeheartedly wrapping my arms around his neck standing on my tippy toes.

He lifts me up in the air and spins me in a circle I scream and then break out into a fit of giggles.

"You're so fucking breathtaking." He whispers as our nose touch.

Kim clears her throat and I pull away quickly. I apologize and she waves her hand.

"Your home is amazing by the way." She speaks Owen tells me to come over and I run into the living area.

He grabs my waist and pulls me into his lap.

"Did you take your medicine Dr Pen dropped off days ago?" He slipped his hands under my shirt to rub my stomach.


I stay silent and he sighs. "You have to take them Angel.."

"Where's Cassie?" I change the subject and Owen turns me around on his lap and looks at me with knowing eyes.

"He's at a match, you know this because he told you first, now. Where are your meds so we can take them, okay?" He caressed my face softly.

My attempt failed and I just hope Cassius came back from his match so he could spoil me like he always did, around him he didn't make me take my meds, he told me to but I didn't and he didn't scold me for it.

"But Owen.." I pout.

He shakes his head and pops me softly on the ass.

"Get up honeybee we're taking them now."

I stomp up the stairs following him with my arms crossed.

Malachai's pov
"Yes! He won't tell you but Averil loves boy short panties! One time I got them as a prank gift and he thought he was an actual gift and he wore them!" Kim lets out one of Averil's secrets.

"Wow." Was all I could saw because my perverted imagination was taking over completely.

"Oh yea, he also loves when people wash his hair, I can list down a few hair products for you"

This woman was really helping me and this was the first time I've ever talked to her? She must seriously want the best for Averil.

"He also adores picnics and he loves gifts that are hand made because it takes actual hard work and effort."

I whipped my phone out and wrote everything in my notes app.

I whipped my phone out and wrote everything in my notes app

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Hi!!!! Bye!!!! ❤️🫶🏽

Imperfectionate.           ᴍxᴍxᴍxᴍحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن