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THE THREE WERE NO LONGER ON THE ROAD! They were flying into the air, landing on rocks and then bouncing off to bounce on additional rocks! The car began to plunge into a river! (Y/N) is so terrified that they clutched to Max as soon as he got inside the automobile. Max wrapped his arms around them as the car impacted the water, burying their faces in his chest. They were washed out of the automobile, and Max assisted them in swimming to the surface and back to the car. As the two argued further, Max assisted (Y/N) in climbing into the car with Goofy. (Y/N) was on the verge of snapping at the two, but "I know that! I just wanted to be part of it!" Goofy yelled.

(Y/N) widens their eyes and looks at the two of them, who are still a little terrified. "No matter how old you get Max, you will always be my little boy,"Goofy said this while sitting on top of the automobile, facing the water. Max followed suit, and the two Goofs' backs are now facing them. (Y/N) sat in the centre and assisted themselves, shivering from cold and anxiety. It was eventually determined to be due to the cold. Finally, much to (Y/N)'s relief, they began speaking to each other, well, more like singing.

(Y/N) softly smiled at them, loving and documenting their father-son relationship. Then Max told his father and (Y/N) all that had transpired. "I figure she'll never talk to me again. But, at the at least, I wanted to ensure that (Y/N) had a great time. They actually dislike fishing as well." With a smile, Max said. "You don't?" Goofy inquired, peering over at them. (Y/N) smiled shyly while wringing their hair. "Not really, but a fishing trip with you two Goofs sounded like fun!" They smiled as they turned to face Max. "And, Max, as much as I love Powerline, you didn't have to do this." They stated. "What can you do?" Max asked with a smile. Goofy smiled at the two mature teenagers.

"Gosh, you're growing up so fast. I guess I just missed it. Welp I think the only thing left for us to do now is to get you up on stage so the whole town doesn't think you lied." With a grin, Goofy said. "Ah, okay, um, how are we going to do that?" Max inquired. "Just leave it to me, son! We might even be able to get (Y/N) up there!" With a broad grin, Goofy said. "Me? with Powerline?! That would be fantastic!" They stated. "Of course!" said Goofy. "Uh Dad? WATERFALL!" Max screamed.

As the rapids got rougher, Goofy tumbled off the car, and Max put his arms around (Y/N) waist to save them from falling off as well. Fear gripped the two as they clung to the automobile. "Grab the hold!" Goofy yelled as he tossed a line from his fishing pole. Max tried to keep the rope in place, but it slipped. As the two approached the precipice, (Y/N) looked up at Max, horror written on their faces, "M-Max...?" They phoned. He grimaced and said, "It's gonna be okay." He comforted them.

The automobile then rolled over, and the two reappeared, tangled in a wet blanket. Goofy used this fishing pole line to hook the car before the log he was standing on broke. The teenagers shouted as they tumbled over the edge. Fortunately, the blanket opened up and became a parachute. Unfortunately, the wind was propelling them skyward quickly. (Y/N) and Max were barely holding each other up, with hardly enough rope to go around. "DAD!" Max yelled as Goofy tumbled down the waterfall. The teenagers captured him with the fishing pole. Just as the handle popped off, Goofy looked up at the two and smiled. "MAAXXX!" Max worried as Goofy yelled as he fell.

"MAX! THE PERFECT CAST!" (Y/N) screamed fast. Max's eyes lit up with recognition, and he began performing it faster. Max's face began to drain of optimism as the line flew. "You'll get him, Max." They reassured, barely believing what they were saying. The rope then tightened, dragging the two down as Max reeled it in swiftly. Max had caught Goofy by the seat of his pants, and Goofy couldn't have been more proud, before they hugged.

(Y/N) delighted in the wonderful family moment until Max drew them into the embrace as well. Their hearts beat faster, and they hugged back. Goofy's map hit him in the face as they drove away. (Y/N) smiled, "There's your map, Goofy." Goofy laughed and tossed it into the wind.

They're at the Powerline concert the next thing you know!!

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