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Later, while the three were driving down the road, "Welp! Here we are on the open road, following the footsteps of my boyhood. Aaaaannnnddd here's Maxie and (N/N)!" Goofy stated as he moved the camera to the two teenagers. (Y/N) waved and chuckled. "Hey," Goofy grinning. "Say hi Max!" Max returned his gaze to him and the camera before leaning back out the window. "Well, how about a wave?" Goofy asked. Max groaned, "Not now Dad." He said this while pulling his hand away from the camera. (Y/N) retained a blank expression on their face as he squeezed them by leaning over them. 'How many times have I been squashed on this ride?' With a mental groan, they thought to themselves.

They weren't paying attention to their surroundings, so when the tape flew out of the radio in front of them, (Y/N) leaped and swatted it away from their face. "Great dad! Now we don't have any music!" Max stated with a sneer on his face. (Y/N) looked at their discman, then at Max, then at their headphones. They were ready to say something when Goofy interrupts them by declaring they would perform a song and begins to whistle in tune with his surroundings.

🎵🎶 Do ya need a break from modern livin'? Do ya long to shed your weary load? 🎵🎶

🎵🎶 If your nerves are raw and your brain is friend. Just grab a friend and take a ride! 🎵🎶

🎵🎶 Together upon the open road 🎵🎶

"C'mon Maxie! Ah-yuk!" Goofy sang joyously, squeezing the teenagers to his side. (Y/N) smiled slightly before Max began singing and slid out from beneath Goofy's arm.

🎵🎶 All in all, I'd rather have detention. All in all, I'd rather eat a road 🎵🎶

"Gross!" (Y/N) said, their face scrunched.

🎵🎶 And the old man drives like such a klutz. That I'm about to hurl my guts 🎵🎶

🎵🎶 Directly upon the open road 🎵🎶

Max leaning out the window again.

🎵🎶 There's nothin' that can upset me. 'Cause now we're on our way. Our trusty map will guide us straight and true 🎵🎶

Goofy obstructing his eyesight by putting the map in front of his face. (Y/N) widens their eyes and grasps anything for safety.

🎵🎶 Roxanne, please don't forget me. I will turn someday 🎵🎶

🎵🎶 Though I may be in traction when I do 🎵🎶

Max's comments for Roxanne made (Y/N) frown.

🎵🎶 Me and Max relaxin' like the old days! With (Y/N) along with us!🎵🎶

When Goofy noticed (Y/N)'s frown, he sung with a great smile to them.

🎵🎶 This is worse than dragon breath and acne 🎵🎶

🎵🎶 In a buddy-buddy kind of mode 🎵🎶

🎵🎶 I'm so mad I think I may explode 🎵🎶

🎵🎶When I see that highway, I could cry 🎵🎶

Goofy takes his hands off the steering wheel. (Y/N) reached over and grabbed it.

🎵🎶 Ya know, that's funny. So could I 🎵🎶

🎵🎶 Just bein' out on the open road 🎵🎶

Then, all of a sudden, Goofy and (Y/N) hear piano music approaching, and three female country singers emerge from the top of the piano.

🎵🎶 Howdy ya'll! Is this the way to Nashville? 🎵🎶

(Y/N) nodded to the ladies, who smiled as Goofy nearly collided with a tow truck.

🎵🎶 Watch it Mac! Or you'll be gettin' towed 🎵🎶

🎵🎶 I'm in no hurry to arrive. 'Cause I'll be turnin' sixty-five 🎵🎶

🎵🎶 The next time I see the open road 🎵🎶

(Y/N) looks at the prisoner with conflicting emotions, while Goofy seems anxious and speeds up the car.

🎵🎶 Just a week of rest and relaxation! 🎵🎶

The woman next to him smiled, "Yeah!"

🎵🎶 And the odd romantic episode 🎵🎶

"Very odd!" As the three passed by, Max said. (Y/N) smacked him on the back of the head.

🎵🎶 It's Californ-eye-ay or bust 🎵🎶


🎵🎶 Look out, you dirtbags! Eat my dust! 🎵🎶

🎵🎶 From now on, I own the open road! 🎵🎶

As she sped past the main three, an elderly lady sang.

🎵🎶 Just me, (N/N) and little Maxie. My pipsqueak pioneers! 🎵🎶

🎵🎶 Their car ventures forever westward ho, yeehaw! 🎵🎶

While Max sang, (Y/N) laughed at the nuns and Goofy.

🎵🎶 Could someone call a taxi and get me outta here? To Beverly Hills 9-0-2-1-0! 🎵🎶

🎵🎶 Everyday another new adventure. Every mile another new zip code! And the cares we had are gone for good 🎵🎶

🎵🎶 And I'd go with them if I could 🎵🎶

Max sighed. (Y/N) punched him in the arm while frowning sternly and huffed at him as he scrowledly rubbed his arm.

🎵🎶 I've got no strings on me! I'm feelin' fancy-free 🎵🎶

🎵🎶 How wonderful to be...On the open road! 🎵🎶

Goofy sang along with the other drivers before taking an exit.

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