28: Always Remember to Treat Magic Well

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"Curse it, I really hope this works," I said under my breath.

Kneeling before the trees, the stumps wavered, and the rain slipped between my fingers. I was as close to the outer-city border as I could get, with the dense forest blocking me. Although I knew the other side existed—that there was a universe a few steps away—somehow, it was easy to forget. I couldn't hear the highway or the static noise of traffic. I could barely hear my intake of breath.

I'd never thought of it before, but there was an unnerving aura to this edge of town. The promise of escape, as though it was being held over my head, and yet nobody would take it. It wasn't even an option when Haryun was the universe.

I slipped the key from my pocket. Turned it around in my palms. Had it gotten heavier since this morning?

Do this slowly. Part of me wanted to get this over with, wanting to blaze right through it, if it meant finding out whether it worked. But it wasn't going to work if I rushed it.

As I grit my teeth, I set the key on the moss. Remnants from leaves squished against the fabric of my sweater. Pine needles hung from my hair. I breathed in.

This is why I used to dose myself with happiness. It would have been a nice way out from the constant thoughts bombarding me. But I'd overused it, and now it was just me. Just me, and the thread that had ruined my life.

"Okay," I whispered to myself, running my fingers through my hair. "I've never been any good at this whole ceremony business, so I'm sorry. I don't even like asking for help when I know you're doing your own thing. But I need to know."

On cue, magic clustered into view. I gave her the only smile I had. A slight curve of my lips, and then it slipped off.

"Thank you." My voice came in hollow. I cleared my throat.

She lowered to the key, as though drawn to it the same way she'd led me. Was it wishful thinking to wonder if it was on purpose? Maybe she wanted me to have it?

Her light increased in intensity. The tempo of her flickering became faster until it was all that I could see. Until the glow surrounded me, encased me, and blinking couldn't even dash it away.

"Show me," I said. "Show me what to do."

The sound echoed within me. Warmth filled me up, lingering on my cheeks and my palms. I inhaled, surrounded at once by the scent of yellowed paper—as the air stabilized like it did at the archives. Just as quickly as it arrived, the cord severed between us and the brightness washed away.

Aeris' key was hot against my skin. Above it, magic stared at me, ebbing like she wanted to help, but couldn't.

"The other keys. I know," I said. "I'm trying. Thought maybe being here would give me a hint."

If Rachna had been to the Rift, it was likely so that she could bind the keys. Someplace private, somewhere that no sorcerer could stop her.

I lifted my knees off the dewy ground and doubled back home. Mom was inside, restoring her old sewing machine to make herself a heavier blanket for the coming cold. She greeted me as I entered, then said, "There's another ceremony today. An initiation."

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