Chapter 12

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Everyone, including Scout, pulled their neck restraints off, and everyone except Charles stood, ready to fight.

Scout disappeared for a split second, now with her visor which was confiscated when they were knocked out, as well as a pack of gum that they also took. But what exactly could she have done with gum to escape? Although, come to think of it, it may have been one of the guards' gum. Oh well.

"We only want the girl. Step aside."

"As.. tempting as that sounds, I think the fuck not." Scout sarcastically throws back.

"What're you doing?" The telepath girl asks, in regard to Hank, who was now gaining blue veins all over his face.

"What Raven would have." Hank replies, before assuming his Beast form.

Erik raises his hand, forcing the metal that once divided the restrained mutants to trap one of the undefined.

Everyone began to fight, mutant against undefined.

Scout was tricking the enemy, by appearing and disappearing and making them see ghosts.

Her and Erik were attacking some undefined, when Erik made a knife appear in front of Scout.

"You forgot something." Erik says, grinning slightly.

"Such a gentleman." Scout remarks sarcastically, grabbing the knife and beginning to attack the undefined hand to hand. She plunged the knife into the chest of one, before she was kicked across the carriage.

"Ow." Scout shouts, trying to make a fuss.
The undefined then grabs the knife and throws it towards her as she was getting up, hitting her in the leg.

"Double ow." Scout pulled the knife out of her leg and placed it back in her belt.

The female telepath then began to fight with Erik, as Scout tried to patch herself up.
Even if ghosts can't die, they certainly can feel when they've been stabbed.
The undefined are all cleared from the carriage, and the female telepath smiles at Erik. A hand comes from the side of the door, grabbing her head and throwing her out of the train, presumably to her death.

"Selene!" Erik shouts.

"So that's what her name was." Scout says, as she limps over to Erik.

"What happened to you."

"I don't know, I think maybe the blood dripping down my leg may be a slight give away."

Scout waves her arms around, showing off her sarcastic point.

"I'll find something to sort you out-"

"I'm fine Erika."

Scout began to call Erik Erika when she told him how she used to call Alex Alexa, and she made the connection. He didn't particularly retaliate against the name. He often referred to her as Scouts. This was purely to annoy her, as nearly every time she would correct him saying 'I'm not multiple people dumbass'.

"Okay Scouts."

"I swear to god-"

Erik laughs slightly, before focusing back on the matter at hand.

"Hank! Help Storm!" Erik orders.

Scout and Erik went to the next carriage plagued with undefined, and began to give them hell. Erik grabbed pieces of metal from his surroundings almost like nunchucks - as Scout thought. Scout phased Erik through the counter attacks, in order to ensure no further injuries came upon either of them.

Four of the undefined stood again, after their casualties. Erik and Scout stood ready to fight them again, but Storm was two steps ahead, using a hole in the ceiling to blow them far away from the two mutants.

Erik and Scout gave Storm a silent thank you, before walking towards their targets.
Erik made the entire carriage clamp in on itself, before detaching it from the train completely, leaving the undefined flattened and flaming.

Vuk was back. Erik raised his fist, blocking off the carriage with Jean, Scott and Charles in.

"I have no desire to fight you."

"Yeah? Well I do, asshat!" Scout snaps, before appearing behind her, holding her knife to Vuk's throat.

"So...foolish." Vuk grabbed Scout's wrist, plunging the knife into her own stomach, but deep enough to enter Scout's stomach too.
Scout stumbles back, holding the knife in her stomach, to stop the blood loss.

"I get that a lot." Erik replied. He was playing Vuk's game, hoping he was good enough to beat the master at their mastery.

"You wanted her dead."

"I had a change of heart."

Erik raises every gun behind himself and aiming at Vuk. He signals subtly to Scout to make herself a ghost, and he sets off every single gun. Vuk basically strutted through, brushing off every single bullet, every single wound.

Erik's eyes glossed over as he was thrown into several walls. As he watched Scout bleed to death.

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