Chapter 11

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There they all were. Mutants. Mankind's enemy once more.

"My kid used to be a fan." One of the pacing guards says, seemingly aiming it towards Kurt.

"Raven had the right of it. Jean was never the villain. I was."

"No shit Sherlock. Doesn't take a genius to figure that one out. Jean is a monster nonetheless." Scout retorts.

"I should never have lied to her. I was wrong. But, this power, inside of her. I never put that there. I would never do anything intentionally to hurt her. That isn't me and this is not Jean. We can still save her. She's still Jean inside." Charles defends Jean, his emotions encasing his monologue.

"What exactly is controlling her?" Erik demands.

"I don't know. But this woman." Charles begins

"She's no woman. My visor couldn't detect what she was, certainly nothing I've ever come across before." Scout explains blankly, interrupting Charles carelessly.

"This thing, has had a taste of that power and she'll be coming back for more. She'll be coming back for Jean." Charles finishes.

"Good. Let her." Erik snaps.

"She'll kill her to get it. But I promise you the killing will not end there." Charles adds on.

"That's not what Raven would have wanted. You know that. You all do. You, Scout and Hank." Scott is desperately defending Jean.

The roof begins to rattle and get abused. Scout figures that it's the undefined beings, coming for Jean.

"Alright, you two, come with me. The rest of you stay here, guard the prisoners." One of the men shouts, ordering the soldiers.

"Don't be fools! You need our help!" Erik shouts.

"They ain't gonna believe that fuckface." Scout retorts sarcastically.

"Goddamn muties come to spring you." A guard insults the ones sat before him, restrained.

"They're not mutants. Free us, you're going to need our help." Charles explains.

"We're the only chance you have." Erik adds on.

"Keep your mouth shut." The same guard orders.

"I'm about to beat the living shit out of this man." Scout comments, gaining a harsh stare from him.

"What's the status in those mutants?" The guard asks into his comms.

A muffled reply comes through, it was shortly cut off, radio static following.

"They're not mutants!" The responder shouts.

"They're here for Jean." Scott tells the guard.

"Get ready to open fire." A different guard orders.

"Your kid was right about us. We can help you." Kurt stammers with every word.

The 'undefined', as Scout is now calling them, punch repeatedly at the door, until it gives out.

"Fire!" Someone orders. Gunshots fill the room as the creature withstands the gunshots. It immediately heals the wounds, which were treated like scratches. Two more creatures enter the carriage, room, whatever it was. As the guards try to fight them, they retaliate almost effortlessly, gaining the upper hand.
One of the guards suddenly unlocks all of the restrained mutants. Hell was about to break loose.

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