Chapter 0 - aka Prologue

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Scout was driving from her old home, waving with a fake smile plastered on her face. What just happened was nothing like she expected.

-flashback to 30 minutes ago-

Scout's car, once Alex's, speeds along the road to what she used to call home.

"Hey freak! Not so strong now are ya?" A teenager is shouting, aggressively. Threateningly.

Not at Scout, at some kid, about 13 or so.

"I didn't say that! Please just let me go!" Muffled sobs and screams come from the same direction.

Now, Scout isn't normally the type of person to help some random stranger, but it sounded to her like a mutant being threatened, so she decided to break her 'don't help strangers' rule, just this once.

"The fuck do you think you're doing?" The teenager spits at Scout.

"Could ask you the same thing, dipshit." Scout replies, pissed off.

"Destroying this freak! They think it's all okay now everyone knows, but they're a bloody fucking freak." The teenager shouts, holding a sharpened kitchen knife to the 13 year old's neck. Blood began to coat the blade, and Scout lost it.

Focusing, she disappeared and quickly reappeared in an outfit better suited for a fight, and destroyed the knife. The teenager then pulled out a gun. Fully loaded. He aimed at Scout's head.

"I'm gonna fucking shoot you if you do any kind of mutant shit again." He threatens, holding Scout's neck and the gun to the left of her forehead.

"Ghosts don't die, asshat." Scout says, before becoming intangible, grabbing the 13 year old boy and fleeing to her car.

She slammed her foot onto the accelerator, and the teenager shot at the car, narrowly missing the tyre.

"Monsters! Freaks!" The boy shouted, and Scout swerves and then disappears into thick traffic.

Silence. Awkward silence. Terribly awful awkward silence.

"You okay kid?" Scout asks, not much emotion to her tone. Helping kids was certainly not her forte, mutant ones included.

"He called me a freak, a bastard. He said he would have killed me if he didn't think he would be cursed by some other mutant." The 13 year old boy tried to force the tears away, and fails miserably.

"I understand, some people are always going to be like that." Scout explains.

"But you don't know what it's like." The boy remarks, going into a huff.

Hell did Scout know what it was like. When her brother was put in solitary confinement, and known as a freak, everyone thought Scout was too. At the time, no-one knew Scott. Scout spent her entire high-school life with kids calling her a freak, beating her up, the usual.

"I can assure you I do know, but I'm going somewhere, a safe place for mutants. Do you need dropping off at home?" Scout asks as she approached a turning.

"No, I don't have a home. Not after today. I saw what happened on tv, and my friend seemed to like mutants, said he thought they were cool. So I told him I was one, but he told my parents, and they had an opposed view." He sniffs as he desperately wiped away his tears.

"They are shit parents then. Let's forget about them, I volunteer to go first. Who were we talking about again?" Scout tries to bring humour into the air, loosen up the shaken kid.
He laughs softly, and replies "I can't remember actually." Scout laughs with him.

"What can you do?" Curiosity takes over the boy. Sure he saw Scout fight, but he doesn't actually know know.

"I'm like a ghost, to put it simply." Scout explains, she doesn't want to explain her powers to some random kid, he might not even be a mutant. Scout needs to seriously not let random 13 year old boys into her car.

"Wow, you have such a cool power, mine's stupid." The boy says.

"Yeah? What can you do?" Scout challenges.

"I can fly, but it doesn't work properly." The boy explains, pouting with annoyance.

"That's sick, and I can help with that." Scout offers.

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