Knockout froze at my last question "well you know how Starscream is, he'll never change. Soundwave and Laserbeak are doing good. But Breakdown, he is now one with the allspark." Knockout said as he looked to the floor and put his servo over his chassis.

"Oh Knockout I'm so sorry, I knew you guys were close" I said as I looked down, my wings dipped slightly. "It's alright Echo, It's always a risk in war of losing the bots you care about the most" said Knockout as he looked up at me with sad optics.

"Anyway enough with this sad topic, come with me. There's someone who wants to see you" said Knockout as he started to walk away. My wings twitched up and I finished the rest of my energon; left the empty cube on the berth and followed him out.

I followed him down the corridors of a ship, we made it to the loading dock and walked through a massive structure. I looked down and around and found that we are on an organic planet.

I continued to follow Knockout as we came to a throne room, and Megatron was sitting in the throne. "Megatron wow, It's been forever since I've seen you. How have you been?" I asked while I approached him. "Echostrike it has been eons. How was your journey?" Megatron said as he stood from his throne and walked up to me.

I came to about his shoulder plate so I had to tilt my helm to look him in the optics. "I wouldn't know, I was in stasis" "right your creators sent you off world right as the war was at its worst" "correct" I said. My creators and Megatron were good friends and we would always go see him battle in the pits of Kaon when I was younger.

Always cheering him on and running up to him afterwords and getting lifted into the air by him and hugged him. I always saw him as a kind of uncle. "Well it is good to see you again, welcome back to the decepticons" he said as he placed a servo on my shoulder plate.

"Knockout assemble a team and disembark for Cybertron immediately while hunting autobots remains paramount we must not squander the opportunity to recover any iacon relics left behind in the chaos. For all we know, Optimus Prime is out there somewhere, planning to do the same." Said Megatron.

"Wait Prime is here, and what about iacon relics? What have I missed" I said as I placed a servo against the back on my helm. "Don't worry Echo you'll be safe with us, now how would you like to join me in going home?" Asked Knockout.

"If you'll have me" I said as I turned to Knockout "always, now come on there's someone else who wants to see you" said Knockout as he began to walk away. "See you later when we get back Megatron" I said waving goodbye and trying to catch up to Knockout.

Knockout commed some vehicons to meet us here, we walked into a room where I saw "Soundwave!" I said as ran up to him and hugged him. Missing the bot who I thought of as a brother. Soundwave stiffened a bit but soon returned my affections. After a while I let go and backed up "I've missed you, how have you been? How's Laser?" I said with a smile.

Soundwave displayed a 😁 on his visor and deployed Laserbeak, she flew around a bit before landing on my outstretched arm. "Have you been taking care of him Laser, keeping this wild bot under control" I said as I rubbed her helm. She made a few clicking noises, in responce to my affections and my question.

Soundwave displayed a 😑 on his visor which made me chuckle. "Well we didn't just come here to reconnect, Lord Megatron wants us to scout the destroyed Omega Lock for any relics left behind" said Knockout.

With that Laser returned to Soundwaves chassis as the vehicons entered, Soundwave activated a spacebridge. "Whoa you know all the cool tricks don't you" I said to Soundwave as he displayed a 😉 and I laughed "see you when we get back" I said as we walked through the spacebridge.

Cybertron looked deserted, sad even. The vehicons began to pick through the rubble "so this is what happened after I was sent off world" I said as I looked around at my killed home world. Small tears began to fall from my optics as I hugged myself for any form of comfort. "Love it's ok, we'll find a way to bring life back to Cybertron, that I promise you" Knockout said as he hugged me.

He let go and began to order the vehicons around while I helped them look. "Come on fellas put your backs into it" I moved a big pease and found something underneath. "Knockout I think I found something" I said as I moved to one side to give him a closer look.

"The apex armor, our lustreous leader will be pleased. Now any sign of that phaseshifter, I really like that thing" Knockout said looking around. "Sir" one of the vehicons spotted something aproching us and pointed to it. "By the allspark" said Knockout with a shocked expression.

It was a purple tank, and it transformed into a bot I didn't recognize "Shockwave, everyone though you had perished" said Knockout "a premature conclusion" said Shockwave with a very flat tone.

Knockout activated his comm "Lord Megatron we are ready to return to Darkmount, and I am certain you'll want to see what we have uncovered" said Knockout as a bridge opened up in front of us. I picked up the apex armor and held it under my arm, I walked through the bridge behind him.

When we came through we saw Megatron, Soundwave and "Starscream, wow good to see you, how's being second in command" I said with the apex armor against my hip.

"Echostrike it has been a very long time, being second in command has it's ups and downs" he said as he waved his servo. "I find myself in urgent need if good news. So please Knockout and Echo, tell me you found something useful" said Megatron.

"Well I found the apex armor" I said showing it to him "and we found someone" Knockout said as we both moved to the side to let Shockwave through.

Starscream made a noise of shock "he lives?" He said in disbelief. "Shockwave" Megatron chuckled "just the tactical advantage I need" he said with a deadly smirk on his faceplate.

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