32. Food and Worries

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Sophie just gave a sigh of resignation. "It wasn't my choice," she said. "She told me that I had to work in the bank."

"Ah, I see," said Ellie. "So was there something else you wanted as a career?"

When Ellie asked that, she saw Sophie lift her head up again. Her expression changed, and Ellie could see a little twinkle of excitement in her eyes.

"Yeah, well kind of," said Sophie. "There was one thing I thought about doing, but..."

"What was it?" Ellie asked.

"Well, it's silly, but I kind of wanted to be a teacher," said Sophie.

"Being a teacher isn't silly," said Ellie. "It's a good thing to do."

"Yeah, I know. It's just for me to do that wouldn't be a good idea," said Sophie.

"What do you mean?" Ellie said. "I think you would be great. Especially now you are so in touch with your inner child."

Sophie shrugged her shoulders. "I guess so," she said. "It was just my mother always telling me I wouldn't be able to do it."

Ellie frowned when she heard that. It was making her dislike Sophie's mother even more. That was not the sort of thing you were supposed to say to your children. You were supposed to be caring and supportive, like the way her mum was with her.

But then a different thought came into Ellie's head, and her frown slipped into a smile. "Maybe that's what your mother used to say, but you're forgetting something," she said. "I'm your mummy now. And I say you can do anything."

A big smile broke out on Sophie's face to chase away the last of the sadness she was feeling. "You're right. Thanks, mummy," she said, then leaned across the table to kiss Ellie on the cheek.

Ellie grinned back at her. "I'm serious though," she said. "You can do anything, and I'll support you with whatever you choose."

"That's good to know," said Sophie.

Then Sophie sat back and watched as Ellie finished eating her chips with curry sauce. It made Ellie blush slightly. She didn't like having people watch her eating. It was one of her many irrational fears that triggered her anxiety. Though it wasn't so bad when it was Sophie who was the person watching. So it just made her slightly uncomfortable and her cheeks turned red.

Once she had finished eating, Ellie stood up and took both their plates through to the kitchen. She took them over to the sink, and turned on the hot tap to start filling up the bowl.

"Mummy, come back," Sophie called out from the front room.

"I just need to wash the dishes," Ellie called back. "I won't be long."

"Leave them for later," Sophie whined. "Need you now."

Ellie sighed and turned off the tap. Then she quickly dried her hands with a tea towel and went to see what Sophie wanted.

When Ellie went back into the front room, she saw that Sophie had moved over to the couch. She was sitting sideways, with her feet up and resting on one of the cushions.

"Well, what's so important?" Ellie asked.

Sophie turned and looked at Ellie with her bottom lip sticking out and her eyes large. "I'm tired, mummy," she said, in a whiny little voice. "Want to go to bed."

Ellie could tell that Sophie had gone back into her little space, and Ellie couldn't resist her while she was behaving like that.

"Okay, baby," said Ellie. "Let's get you changed and into bed.

Sophie held her arms out towards Ellie like she was expecting to be carried. Ellie just frowned at her, with her hands on her hips.

"Come on, up you get," Ellie said.

Sophie gave a little whine, but shifted her feet onto the floor and stood up. Then she walked with heavy feet out of the room and down the hallway towards her bedroom.

When Sophie got into her room, she climbed up onto the bed and rolled over to lay on her back with her legs spread wide apart. Ellie grabbed the wipes and a clean diaper, then sat on the bed between Sophie's feet.

Ellie pulled the tabs off the front and opened the diaper. "Just a little bit wet," she said, as she reached for the packet of wipes.

It felt more natural as Ellie wiped the area between Sophie's legs. It wasn't giving her any sexual feelings to be touching Sophie's intimate place like that. She felt more like a mother should when they were caring for their daughter. And that thought made Ellie pleased.

It wasn't that she was ashamed to have sexual feelings towards Sophie. It was just that she felt like she was getting more into the roleplaying, and more fully becoming Sophie's new mother.

Sophie lifted up her hips so that Ellie could slide the used diaper out from under her bum. Then she kept it lifted up while Ellie slid the clean one under. Sophie lowered herself back onto the bed so that Ellie could fasten the tabs on the front of the diaper.

"Okay, let's find you some pyjamas," said Ellie, as she stood up and tossed the used diaper into the bin.

Ellie walked over to the chest of drawers, and pulled open the drawer with Sophie's pyjamas in. But when she did, she found that it was mostly empty.

"Hmmm, not many clean clothes left," she said. "Maybe a bit behind on doing the laundry?"

Sophie just looked at her blankly.

"Well, maybe I'm a bit behind with the laundry," said Ellie. "I guess I should have been washing your clothes too if I'm your mum now."

Sophie just shrugged, so Ellie grabbed a nightie that was one of the few remaining items in the drawer. It was kind of like an oversized t-shirt, with lacy bits around the bottom, and a picture of a cartoon kitten sleeping on the front.

Ellie took the nightie over and laid it on the bed. Then Sophie sat up and lifted up her arms so that Ellie could take off the dress that she was wearing. Ellie tossed the dress over to the laundry hamper in the corner. Then she picked up the nightie and pulled it down over Sophie's head.

"Cuddles," Sophie said, as she pulled her blankets down and crawled into bed.

"Okay. I'll just turn the light off first," said Ellie.

She went to the door to flick off the light switch, then she went back over to Sophie's bed. Sophie had already pulled back the corner of the blanket to let Ellie get underneath.

Ellie climbed onto the bed, and sat up at the top end, with her back leaning against the headboard. When she was settled, Sophie started to snuggle up, and rested her head in Ellie's lap.

Sophie closed her eyes and took deep breaths in through her nose as she relaxed more. Ellie rested her right hand on Sophie's head, and started to gently stroke her hair.

Soon Sophie was asleep, and softly snoring as she laid with her head resting on Ellie's thigh. Ellie smiled and continued stroking her hair for a while longer. But as she did, Ellie didn't notice her own eyelids start to become heavy as she slowly drifted off to sleep.

Taken Back to ChildhoodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora