25. Pizza and More

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Ellie wrapped her dressing gown tightly around her body, and nervously made her way to the front door. She couldn't believe she was doing this. It was so out of character for her to do something so risky.

But at the same time, it was incredibly exhilarating. That fear of being caught was giving her a surge of adrenaline. The idea of the delivery driver getting a glimpse of her naked. It was making her heart race as she went to open the door.

Ellie pulled the door slowly open to reveal a young guy holding a big delivery bag. "Dominos," he said, though he seemed slightly distracted as he looked at her.

Ellie's face burned red as she tried to wrap her bathrobe more tightly around herself. Then she silently reached out and took the pizza as the guy took it out from the bag.

"Thanks," Ellie mumbled, as she quickly stepped back and pushed the door closed.

She rushed into the front room and dumped the pizza on the table. Then she took a few deep breaths to try and calm down the pounding in her chest. After a few moments she could feel her breathing getting back to normal.

"Soph, pizza's here," Ellie called out.

Ellie opened the box, then took a slice and sat down at the table. She had taken a few bites by the time Sophie came wandering slowly into the room. She came over to the table and looked into the box, and instantly screwed up her face.

"Eewww, vegetables. Yucky," said Sophie, and stuck her tongue out in disgust.

"But we always get a vegi pizza," said Ellie. "You like vegetables."

"No. They yucky," said Sophie.

"What? No," said Ellie. "They're nice, and..."

Ellie had a sudden realisation. While grown up Sophie liked eating vegetables, it was now obvious that little Sophie did not. She hadn't considered that there would be such a big difference between Sophie's personality while she was little.

She had to try and think what a mother would say at a time like this. "Just, umm, try and eat some," said Ellie.

Sophie frowned as she took a slice of pizza. She took a tentative bite and slowly chewed it. Her face looked deep in concentration as she swallowed the mouthful. Evidently deciding it wasn't so bad, Sophie took another bite from the pizza. But this time her face screwed up in disgust again.

"Eewww, those bits are yucky," she said, pointing at the pizza.

"Do you mean the mushrooms?" Ellie asked. "You can just pick those out if you don't like them."

"Urgh. You do it," said Sophie.

Ellie sighed, then took the half eaten pizza slice from Sophie. She carefully picked out all the bits of mushroom and dropped them back in the box. Then she handed the slice back to her.

While Sophie started eating again, Ellie leaned over to pick out all the mushrooms on the rest of the pizza.

"There you go, all gone," said Ellie, as she sat back down.

Once they had both finished eating Ellie took the boxes to the kitchen to throw them in the trash. Then she went back into the front room and sat on the couch.

"Hey, Soph," said Ellie, and she patted her lap. "Come have a cuddle before bed."

Sophie got up and walked over to sit on Ellie's lap. Ellie wrapped her arms around her, and started stroking Sophie's hair.

"Just have a quick cuddle, then I can settle you down to bed," Ellie said softly into her ear.

Sophie snuggled down and rested her head on Ellie's shoulder. Then when she was comfortable she let out a contented sigh.

They had been sitting like that for about ten minutes, when Sophie sat up again. "Mummy, I'm thirsty," she said.

"Okay, I can get you a drink," said Ellie, then she paused. "Oh, that's what I forgot. I was going to buy you a sippy cup from Amazon, I think I forgot to add that."

Sophie pouted, so Ellie stroked her head softly to reassure her. "It's okay, I can add one to the order when you go to bed," said Ellie.

"Drink now," said Sophie.

Ellie was about to get up, when she remembered something else that Sophie had said earlier. She had mentioned that she wanted to try breastfeeding, so maybe this would be a good time to suggest doing that? Obviously Ellie would not be able to produce any milk, but it could be fun pretending. And then she could go get a cup of Ribena for her afterwards.

"Okay. Do you want some milk?" Ellie asked.

Sophie nodded. "Okay."

While Sophie stayed sitting on her lap, Ellie reached down and untied her bathrobe that she was wearing. Then she pulled one side open to expose one of her breasts.

Sophie looked slightly unsure of what she should do, so Ellie reached up and stroked her hair to reassure her again.

"You want mummy's milk?" Ellie said. "It's okay. Just suck on mummy's boobies."

Sophie leaned down and opened her mouth slightly. Her lips wrapped around Ellie's nipple, and she began sucking softly.

Ellie moaned with the pleasurable sensations. Her breasts had always been one of her most sensitive zones. She would usually play with them and tug on her own nipples when she was getting herself turned on, or while she was masturbating. So having Sophie suck on them felt amazing. She moaned again as she felt the heat and wetness growing in her core.

Sophie shuffled down the couch to make herself more comfortable, while keeping her mouth latched onto Ellie's breast. She found it quite soothing to be sucking on something like that. She kept sucking as she snuggled down on Ellie's lap and slowly closed her eyes.

Ellie could feel herself getting more aroused. But unfortunately from the way Sophie was laying across her lap, she was not able to get her hands down there to touch herself. Instead she squeezed her thighs together and tensed her lower muscles as a way to relieve the pressure inside her. It took her longer to make herself cum doing it that way, but then having her breasts sucked on should speed it up.

She was getting close, when Sophie suddenly stopped sucking. "Still thirsty," she whined.

Ellie sighed with frustration, then reluctantly got up and walked to the kitchen. There was a plastic drink bottle on the side which she picked up and filled with juice.

"Here you go, some juice," said Ellie, as she gave the bottle to Sophie. She then sat back down on the couch. "Would you maybe want some more milk after that juice?"

"No," said Sophie, as she finished drinking. "Sleepy now."

Ellie sighed again. "Okay. I guess it's time for bed then," she said.

Sophie skipped merrily down to her bedroom, while Ellie stomped reluctantly behind her. Ellie pulled the blankets back so that Sophie could climb into bed. Then she pulled them back over her and tucked her in.

"Okay, good night, Soph," said Ellie.

"Good night, mummy," said Sophie. "Love you"

"Love you too," said Ellie, then she bent down to kiss her on the cheek.

Sophie smiled, then closed her eyes and shuffled down into her bed. Ellie watched her for a moment, feeling a swell of contentment inside her. Then she slowly backed out of the room and switched off the lights.

"Sweet dreams," Ellie whispered, as she gently closed the door behind her.

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