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Why fly, when you can die.
Why try, when you can cry.
Why go out of you way to please people, when they judge.
Why try to tell people what's wrong, but then it's not enough.
I don't see the point any more.
Why don't i have to be this way,
Broken, i cant be fixed, i didnt work properly.
I try to be in my place, to be me, as the happiest girl they ever seen,
But it's gone, i ran out.
My happiness is fading, i know without a doubt.
Its gone forever, i cant find it again, people will never no what's wrong, i wouldn't even know where to begin.
You'll never see the old me again.
I feel like giving up, to just run away from everyone, not only from the worst, the fear, and the mean and bad people, but the people who love and care for me the most.
I feel like im pushing everyone away, and then falling into a deep deep hole, dragging all my sadness with me, to pile up on top of me until im buried alive in depression.
And when i get there no friends will be able to reach out a hand and help me from my own sadness, because i will be to far gone, to deep in the hole. That i cant even claw my way out. Ill be nothing but a empty hollow shell, no one can crack open to get to me, sound proof, i cant hear their comfort, yet they cant hear my crys.

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