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I feel like i've grown too used to the daily life routine I have been doing for the last couple years of my life.
I feel as in somehow i put myself into a spot. Stuck in one place, and theres no getting out.
I feel like ive grown too used to things just happening and me not being able to make things happen. I feel like ive grown used to the bad, and good people i surround myself with, day after day like a rollorcoaster, having to go throught the bad and the good. The awful and greats, and the horrific and amazing.
I feel as is im running in place and all i would ever have to do to get unstuck is take that leap forward.
But i can't. I just can't. Not yet at least. But even though day after day i go through being invisable surround by the peers in knew since 6th grade, and still haven't manage to learn my name. I go on with being a outsider, outcast and invisable. Ill ho on with my friend tipical get togethers and hangouts, and still will deal with the drama and fights they i put up with by people. I will continue sitting quiet and not speaking, even through my mind is racing at the speed of light with a million thing i want to say and tell people. I will sit still, though i want to run and jump and dance and shout and sing untill i have no energy left.
But someday I will stand out from the rest, in i way not seen before. Someday i won't be left behind, i won't be the sound of background noice people hear me as. I will be me. And learn to embrace myself will confidence.
But until then, i will stay as is.
To my normal, everyday life. Routine.

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