World Peace

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Have you ever care for something so deeply, and would use your last dying wish on? Have you ever been faced with something that no matter how hard you want to, you just cant change the outcome? If i would have to chose something i would want this badly, it would be world peace. Can you imagine? A world with no crimes, no stealing from you neighbours, or murdering. No abuse, and no rape. In a world where theres no war. Every country, state, city, town, and neighbourhood gets along together. There would be no political or finanical troubles, there would be no impoverish homless people, no poor, yet no rich. There would be no over ruling, no one to take all power. In a world with no depression, no selfish bullys, who make the other kids feel worthless, no self harming and no suicide attempts. No bleeding, no external and internal scars. In a world where people love and are loved. Where people took care of each other and help people who needed help. In a world where it was safe again, you could let you children play outside till the streetlights came on, and could walk over to a friends house, where it was safe to go girl scout cookie selling and ask a neighbour for a cup of sugar without being afraid. A place where people actually interacted with each other, insted of gluing their eyes endlessly to a phone or tv. In world where people wouldnt die in car crashes from texts that are meaningless compared to your life. In a world where familys bonded, where family would gather around with love ones and talk and care about how their day went insted of pretending each other doesnt exist. In a world where kids were respectful to the parents and elders. Where kids wouldnt dare cuss. In a world where sex was about having a baby. And only after Marriage and teens wouldnt get pregnant at 14 Where drugs wouldnt exist and alcohol was only for adults. In a world where there is no diseases, no cancer. No flu. Nothing to take the life of a love one away.
In a world where everyone would be happy, and healthy, kind and caring, smart and peaceful.
In a world where every thing is complete.
In a world where everythings perfect.
That where i wanna be.
Thats what i want,
I want world peace.

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