chapter 6: 5 years later

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Footsteps can be heard in a long hall as two Black haired 5 years old child walks it.

"Didn't expect that you'll wake up this early,you usually sleep like a pig" mocked the expressionless boy as he quickened his pace trying to walk ahead.

"It's like your any better, you made sounds when you sleep!"counter the girl as she tried walking ahead of the boy.

"How do you know I sleep later than you?, besides I intentionally make a noise to keep you up"said the boy as he walked past the girl.

"I know it!"exclaimed the girl as a tick mark appears on her head making her chase after the boy.

"Stella, Ethan what's with you two running around this early"said leiya as she spotted her children running around.

Ethan slow down as his expressionless face slowly form a smile and his gold eyes sparkles with enthusiasm as he face his mother.

Changing his gloomy and sober temperament in an instant to an enthusiasm and lively one.

"Nothing mom!,were just excited for today's occasion!!"explain Ethan as he hold onto his mother hand.

Stella slow down on her chase as her pink eyes look at her brother with surprised with a hint of expected at how his demeanor change with different people.

'No matter how many times I seen his face changing it still surprised me' stopping at her track her pink eyes look at the mother duo conversating as she sigh.

'well I should expected it,after all
Her hair blocking her eyes as she Clench her hands forming a fist.

"He's a Liar"

"Did you say something Stella?" Leiya ask as she seems to hear her speak making her look at her direction.

"Is there something wrong Stell"ask Ethan as his gold eyes look at her direction with concern and worries.

Snapping out of her though that was caught it the past, Stella gaze back at her brother eyes causing her to have goosebumps.

"It's nothing I'm just thinking about today's special events"answer Stella to their one true concern while the other fake question.

"Well you did wake up this early, after your not really a morning person!"said Ethan as he's gold eyes shine with mischief as he tease his twin.

Which Stella response with having a tick mark on causing leiya to laugh at their interaction.

"Okay stop the mischief,we should get ready so than we can leave early" quietting her laughter she reminds them about what they should be doing.

"Come on don't be an old lady hurry up Stella!"said Ethan as he and leiya walks ahead.

Hitting Stella with an imaginary arrow with the word old lady.

'old lady!,I travel through time at the age of 25 okay I'm not old!!' catching up at them Stella glare at her brother as she thought.


Today is the day, you'll all know your magic aptitude" said leiya as she hold the hands of her children.

"It's normal to be nervous and excited" leiya continued as they approch the living room.

'This is it the five years agreement the god and I have' Ethan thought as nervousness makes his way up to him without showing it in his face.

'This is the day were everything starts the day I got my magic aptitude' Stella thought as her pink eyes shine with determination.

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