Chapter 27

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"Can you believe it's a Hogsmeade weekend?!" Ron cheered.

"It's so exciting, we haven't had one in a while." Hermione pointed out.

"Who are you guys going with?" Harry asked.

"Each other." They stated in unison.

"Who are you going with, Harry?"

"Ronald, out of all the dumb questions you've asked, that one is probably the dumbest." Hermione rolled her eyes.

Ron, Hermione and Harry had met up in the library to study on a Friday afternoon. Draco had been invited to join them, but had said no, seeing as he prefers to study on his own, or just with Harry.

"He's going with me, dumbass." A voice came from behind Harry.

Harry smiled at the sound of the voice.

"Obviously!" Hermione face palmed.

"Hi Draco," The raven haired boy greeted as his blond boyfriend sat next to him. "I thought you said you wanted to study on your own."

"I did, and I finished. So what better to do then join my boyfriend and our friends?" He grabbed Harry's hand from under the table and laced their fingers.

"Great! So you can help me out here. Studying with these two is a pain! I assume you can help Harry while I help Ron?" Hermione sighed of relief.

"Of course I will. Harry, what do you think you need to study the most to understand?"

"I was thinking.. Potions?"

"I should have known. You've always been terrible at Potions. Luckily, your boyfriend is an expert. Come on, let's go get some proper books."

"That's a lame excuse to go snog." Ron said flatly.

"That wasn't- whatever. Come on, love." Draco shook his head, dragging a blushing Harry along.

Draco's face also felt warm, and knew he was also flushed.

They walked along the shelves, looking for Potions books, until they found the 6th year Potions books.

"Ah, here we go," Draco grabbed a book from a high shelf. "I think I found the one."

The pair went back to the study table, continuing and finishing the boring session after a few hours. They seperated at dinner, then went to bed, excited for the day ahead.


"We're here! We're finally here! Where should we go first?" Harry bounced.

The students in 3rd year and above finally made it to Hogsmeade. The air was crisp, and snow surroundend them. It was cold, like it always was in Hogsmeade. Everyone were in their jumpers, scarves, hats, etc.

But we certainly can't ignore the joy that was spread through, making the cold air seem warm.

"Where would you like to go first, darling?" Draco smiled, amused.


"I should have known, that's always your first suggestion."

Harry laced his fingers with Draco's and dragged him along to the sweet shop.

"Ooh! Let's get some Chocolate Frogs! Maybe some Licorice Wands, what about Bertie Botts Every Flavor Jelly Beans? Or Acid Pops?"

"Calm down, Harry. We don't need so much. I was thinking.. No-melt Ice cream?"

"That sounds good!"

They got their ice cream, (along with some Chocolate Frogs and Licorice Wands) and went off to the next shop.

Gladrags Wizardwear.

"Really, Harry? Don't you have enough clothes? Not to mention you steal mine all the time."

"I just want to look! Maybe we could find something for you!"

"And have you steal even more from me? What else do you want? You've already got my heart, my jumpers, and sometimes even my robes!"

Harry laughed, rolling his eyes before dragging Draco around to look.

Draco was actually quite interested in some of the clothing. He was tempted to get some, but knowing they wouldn't last long on him, he refrained.

They looked for nearly an hour, but Draco refused anything Harry offered. He knew Harry only wanted Draco to get them because he wanted them. Draco wasn't falling for that.

"Can we go to Dervish and Banges next?" Harry asked hopefully.

"What could you possibly need at Dervish and Banges?"

"Dunno yet."

"Then we don't need to go. What about Zonko's Joke Shop?"

"Why there?"

"So I can use some things on Pansy and Blaise for revenge."

"Revenge? For what?"

"Do I need to have a reason? It's Pansy and Blaise."

"Good point. Lead the way!"

Draco grinned. Not only was he going to use these on his friends, he was also planning on using these on Harry, when he least expected it.


"I think that's everything we'll be able to hit. It's 4:00." Draco looked at his watch.

"Right, and our friends wanted to meet us at The Three Broomsticks for Butterbeer at 4:15." Harry remembered.

"We'd better go then." Draco's hand met Harry's, then they left for the well-known pub.

They walked in, immediately spotting their friends. They ordered their Butterbeers, and and went to join their friends in the booth.

"Finally, you guys showed up!" Ron groaned.

"We haven't been waiting that long, Ron." Hermione nudged him.

"Where are your bags?" Pansy asked.

"We apparated them back to the dorms. You should see how much Harry made us get."

"We didn't get THAT much!" Harry pouted.

Draco smirked, wrapping his arm around Harry and pulling him into his side, rubbing Harry's arm.

Soon, their drinks arrived. They talked and laughed and drank for a good couple hours, till it was time for the students to head back to the castle.

"What a day, huh sweetheart?"

"Yeah, I'm ready to go to bed." Harry yawned.

The went up to their dorms to put things away, Harry nearly collapsing on the bed.

"You guys did get a lot of stuff! Do you need help with that?" Blaise wondered.

"I think we're good." Draco gave him a quick nod.

Drarry unpacked, changed, then collapsed next to each other on their shared bed, getting a quick snog before heading off to sleep.


What If..?On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara