Chapter 24

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Oh, the holidays. They've come once again. Everyone is returning home. Everyone has plans. It's a wonderful time.

But still, everything seems normal.


"Must they always interrupt?" Draco sighed.

"It's alright, Dragon. We'll be home soon, and I know nobody will interrupt us there."

"You're right," Draco kissed Harry again. "We're also able to lock the doors, just in case." He winked.

Harry's cheeks were suddenly scarlet.


"Alright, alright. We're coming." Draco rolled his eyes, giving Harry one last kiss before getting up.


"You two are lucky you're in Gryffindor," Blaise told Ron and Hermione on the train. "Especially Ron."

"And why is that?" Hermione asked.

"Because having to deal with those two every morning is a PAIN!" He pointed to Draco and Harry.

"Yeah, they HAVE to make out EVERY SINGLE MORNING!" Pansy agreed.

"Bloody hell.." Ron muttered.

"I'm surprised they haven't gone farther yet." Pansy shook her head.

"Honestly!" Blaise rolled his eyes.

"They won't stop snogging!"

"They can't even be a foot away from each other!"

"Maybe you should try getting a partner of your own," Draco suggested. "Maybe then you'll understand, at least a bit."

"No thanks, I'm good." Blaise and Pansy said in unison.

"Then stop complaining!" Harry groaned.

"Yeah, listening to you complain isn't easy either." Draco mumbled.


"Welcome back! Breakfast isn't quite ready yet, but it shouldn't take long. Harry's up in his room, Draco." Lily greeted early on Christmas Eve.

Draco quickly took off his shoes and ran up the stairs. He knocked on the door before opening it, just a crack.

He saw Harry sitting on his bed, reading, and it seemed like he was lost in his own world.

"Harry?" Draco quietly stepped in.

He looked up, his lips broke into a huge smile, and stood up, closing his book and running to Draco.

"Dragon!" He wrapped his arms around the blond's neck.

"Hi, love."

Harry's heart fluttered every time Draco called him that, as well as other nicknames, like 'sweetheart', 'honey', and 'darling'.

Draco picked him up, and kissed him, gently.

Harry always had a hard time pulling away.

"How are you today, sweetheart?"

"Better, now that you're here."

Draco kissed Harry's neck, smiling against it.

Harry jumped down, grabbing Draco's hand and leading him out the door.

They walked cautiously, watching for the mistletoe, but surprisingly, it wasn't there.

They made it down the stairs, no mistletoe.

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