Chapter 13

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"I'm so excited for the Halloween feast tonight!" Ron exclaimed excitedly.

Ron, Hermione, Harry, and Draco were all walking together to the courtyard after classes.

"Of course you are, Ronald. You're excited for every meal." Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, but this one is special!" Ron stated.

"He's right, it is special! I love all the pumpkin themed food and decorations! That's not every meal, is it?" Harry said in Ron's defense.

"The Halloween feast is probably the all time best!" Draco joined in.

"I can already taste the Pumpkin Juice!" Harry cupped his face with his hands.

"Don't forget the Pumpkin Pasties!" Ron licked his lips.

"Those are BY FAR the best thing at the feast!"

"Alright, alright! I get it! Now stop making me hungry!" Hermione groaned in a playful way.

The boys fell to the ground laughing.

It was a warm autumn day, there was a slight breeze, and red, orange, and yellow took over the trees. The leaves were falling, meaning they we're being left available to be stepped on for that satisfying crunch as students ran around and enjoyed the weather.

There was happiness and tranquility in the air, leaving a perfect day out.

There were voices found all around, where everyone were having hearty conversations.


"Come on, Hermione! It's almost time for the feast!" Ron grabbed her hand in an attempt to drag her.

"Hold on, I'm almost done with this page."

"Hurry! I don't want to miss a minute of it!"

"Okay, I'm done."

"Finally!" Harry groaned.

"Let's go!" Draco laughed.

The four of them ran inside and into the Great Hall. They separated, 2 and 2, to different tables. Just as they had sat down, the feast began.

Dumbledore spoke, then everyone was presented with food. All pumpkin themed. Pumpkin pie, juice, pasties, seeds, you name it.

The Hall was filled with chatter, laughter, and joy. Many ate until they couldn't any more.

It was amazing.

Just like every year.


"Hazza, please get up."

"I think I ate too much last night, I don't feel good."

"It's as if you're having a hangover." Draco groaned.

"No.. This is worse."

"Thank Merlin it's Saturday." Draco muttered under it's breath.

"Yeah, so why do I have to get up?"

"Because you need breakfast, and so do I."

"That'll probably make it worse."

"I am NOT letting you starve!" Draco tried to drag Harry out of bed by his leg.

"I'm probably gonna throw it all up anyway!"

"Are you really THAT bad?"

Harry nodded.

"Alright, fine." Draco gave Harry a quick forehead kiss and left.

And almost immediately after Draco left, Harry ran to the bathroom and vomited. He sat there for quite a while, then he heard a door open, and his name was called.


"I-in he-" He cut himself off by throwing up again.

The door was cracked open, so Draco peeked in before entering.

"Oh, Harry! I'm so sorry! I should've just believed you and stayed."

"It's fine, I can understand why you just assumed I was better than I actually am. I can be a little-"

"Dramatic? Yeah."

"You're one to talk."

"Yeah, I guess so." Draco knelt beside Harry. "How long have you been in here?"

"I don't know. Pretty much right after you left."

Draco moved to behind Harry, wrapping his arms around his waist and holding him steady.

"You'll probably get sick if you sit so close to me."

"I decided I'm going to take care of you. If I get sick, then it's my fault."

The boys dorm door opened. Draco turned around to see Blaise walking in.

"Blaise!" Draco called.

"Need somethin'?"

"Can you get Madam Pomfrey?"

"I don't know if she can come in here, why?"

"Harry's sick and vomiting."

"Got it. I'll be right back."


"I'm back! Madam Pomfrey said she couldn't leave the Hospital Wing, but she sent some medication for Harry." Blaise tossed the bottle into Draco's hand.

"Thank you. Here Harry, take this, it should help." Draco handed Harry his medicine while getting a cup of water for him.

"I don't wanna."

"Harry, stop being childish. Would you rather keep vomiting or feel better?"

"Feel better.."

"Then you have to take the pills."


Harry took the cup and swallowed the two pills he was sent.

"How do you feel now?"

"Like normal." He smiled.

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