Chapter 22

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"Ugh, I can't believe I got ANOTHER detention with Umbridge! That's the second one this week." Harry groaned after class in their dorm room a few weeks later.

"I really wish I could join you, but she's been trying to keep us apart since she caught us cuddling." Draco sighed.

"I know, but this isn't even fair! She's claiming I 'lied' to her. I don't even know what she's talking about!"

"I have a really bad feeling about this.. Maybe I should come with you anyway, or you could just skip it?"

"I wish, both are tempting. But we'll both get severely punished for either one. I can't have you getting hurt for my mistakes."

"True, but I'd rather get hurt then let you deal with all of it."

"If I just do what she says, neither of us should get hurt, as long as she's satisfied."

"If you're sure.."

"Of course I am. I should be heading out now. I don't know how long I'll be gone." He started out the door, but was stopped when Draco grabbed his arm.

"Please, for your sake and mine, be safe." Draco pulled him in close, and kissed him, as if it was the last he'd ever give to Harry.

"I will," Harry claimed after he pulled back. "I promise."


"Where is he? It's been nearly three hours!" Draco looked up at the clock again, worriedly.

"I'm sure he's fine. He should be coming back any second now." Blaise assured.

"Draco!" Harry ran in, holding in a sob.

"Told you."

"Harry! What happened?" Draco panicked more as Harry rushed into his side, holding in his sob no longer.

He noticed Harry was clutching his hand, as if in pain.

"Did she hurt you?!"

Harry looked up, face red and tear stains down his cheeks. He lifted his sleeve, which was covering a huge scar on his hand.

It wasn't just a scar.

But wording.

And it read, 'I must not tell lies.'

"She did this?" He said angrily.

Harry nodded, sniffling.

Draco gently put his hand on the back of Harrys head, pulling it to his chest, letting the smaller boy cry into it once more.

"Don't worry, love." Draco whispered gently. "We'll get our revenge."


"Ah! It burns!" Harry grimaced.

"I know, Hazza. But it will be healed soon."

Draco had taken Harry to Madam Pomfrey, to heal the scar he was given.

"I can't believe that wretched woman did such a thing! But, Dumbledore is still to blame. Why does he keep hiring terrible people? I mean, almost every single one has hurt you, Harry, except for Remus. Oh, how I miss him!" The plump woman cried.

"I think we all miss him," Draco mumbled. "It would have been so much better that way. I wonder why he left."

"Apparently, someone ratted him out to Albus about him being a werewolf. You two know about that, right?"

"Yeah, I have always known." Harry nodded.

"How much do you want to bet that it was Sev that told Dumbledore? He never really liked your father, or his friends." Draco thought aloud.

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