Chapter 2

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"Harry! Wake up! We have to get ready for our first day of classes!" Draco was shaking Harry excitedly.

"Mmh.." Harry groaned. He was never much of a morning person.

"Haaarryyyyy! Cmon! We're gonna be late!"

"Fine, fine. I'm getting up." Harry sat up and rubbed his eyes, reaching to the nightstand for his glasses.

Once he got out of bed, Harry went to go change into his robes. He found Draco waiting for him afterward, and they both headed to the Great Hall, where they ate breakfast and got their schedules. One perk of being in the same house was having every class together. They started out in Potions.

"Ooh! Potions with Snape! He's my godfather, you know." Draco smiled enthusiastically.

"Cool. Apparently, Professor Snape loved my mom. I wonder how he's going to take it out on me." Harry sighed.

"It'll be fine. He won't punish you if I have anything to do with it!" He nudged Harry's arm lightly.


"Morning Class," A low, monotone voice came from the front of the room. "And extra good morning to our hero." Snape rolled his eyes sarcastically.

"Sev, don't." Draco quietly murmured as he shook his head slightly at the Professor. He just nodded lightly and continued on with the class.

"Thank you," Harry whispered.

"It's no problem. He should stop teasing you now, hopefully." Draco smiled.


DADA with Professor Quirrel was next. Harry didn't want to admit it, but he had a bad feeling about that guy. He was strange, and his nervous, stuttering act was not enough to convince Harry other wise. Draco noticed something was off, too. He realized Harry was thinking the same thing, so after class he decided to talk to him about it.

"I wonder what's up with Professor Quirrel." Draco started as he and Harry were headed to their next class before lunch.

"I think he's putting on some sort of act. About being all nervous and stuttering too much." Harry ended up admitting.

"Yeah.. Oh. We have History of Magic next. Sounds boring." Draco was looking at his parchment and glancing over at Harry's, just to make sure.

"I heard that Professor Binns is horrifyingly plain. So he makes an already really boring subject EVEN MORE boring."

"I already hate it."

"Me too. So don't blame me if I fall asleep."

Draco just let out a small chuckle.

"At least we have it with the Gryffindors."

"At least."


"I don't know how I survived that!" Harry complained.

"I can't believe we have to go BACK." Ron sighed.

"This is going to be a long year." Draco whispered to himself.

"I for one, enjoyed it." The bushy haired girl ignored the boys complaints.

"Of course you did 'Mione." Ron rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"What? It was interesting. It's not my fault that you couldn't pay any attention to the point you fell asleep."

"Not yours, but darned History and Professor Binns." Ron muttered under his breath.

"Hey, at least we have lunch now." Harry reminded.

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