Chapter 16, Nostalgic

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"Alright, up to you..." I sat on his bed, crossing my legs as he undressed. "You know..." He started, "I remember playing around when we were kids. We would always trade toys around." He reminisced, he cracked a smile, "I remember constantly stealing yours and your father would have to come retrieve them back..." He undressed, "You know, I stole yours too." I smiled to myself, he gave a confused 'hm?', "You probably wouldn't have gotten caught if you were sneakier, I was in fact never caught." I chuckled to myself. "Oh really? How much did you take?" He pressed, "A good handful of your toys, even a couple prototypes from your father.","I refuse to believe you were able to sneak into my fathers work room. Even I wasn't able to do that."  He smiled, putting on new clothes. "It was actually easier than you would've thought. I just simply created a distraction and when he went to check, I would sneak in before the door closed fully." Ciel chuckled, "You were sly, were you?" I nodded, "My father would always teach me stealth and other tactics in combat..." I sighed, "He actually was preparing a long time for an assassination, he just never expected the one that actually came..." I frowned.

"I'll have to give myself some credit too," Ciel started, "I was able to sneak into the carriage with the kidnappers.","Oh really?" I asked, copying him, "I snuck out, I was worried about you. It was sort of like a 6th sense you could say." I frowned once again, "And that's supposedly what got you killed, Ciel.","You're one to talk." He rolled his eyes, buttoning up his suit, "You're the one always sacrificing yourself for myself and others. Hell, when you were hypnotised by Alois you even saved him a couple times." He chuckled, I sighed. "I truly regret that, you know? If I wasn't so weak at that moment, I would've been able to fight it." I uncrossed my legs. "It's alright, Silversfield, you couldn't help it." He sat beside me, starting to button up his boots. "Ciel." I said his name, catching his attention. "Hm?" He peeked his head up, "You can call me Y/N, you know." I crossed my arms playfully. "Oh- of course.. that's my fault, I forgot." He sighed, continuing to button up his boots. "You're the only person I know who will accidentally be a gentleman." I smiled deviously, I could've sworn I saw a little bit of red flush his cheeks for a moment.

"W.. well, I'm done now, I'll let you change in piece." He hastily got up, leaving the room. I sighed with a smile, but it really made me wonder what he was really thinking. Thinking about his face he made back there made me smile and my face heated up a little too, I snapped out of it quickly, getting up. "I might as well change too..." I looked around, remembering Ciel and I were the same size, I stole some clothes from him. After I got dressed, I walked down to the dining area and met up with Ciel and- "Y/NNNNN!!!" The sound of Elizabeth's voice caught me off guard as she ran up and squeezed me in a hug. "Oh, did I forget to mention Lady Elizabeth was to be visiting today?" Sebastian mentioned with a chuckle, "Gee, thanks for the heads up." I rolled my eyes playfully. Elizabeth let go, "I love your outfit! Where did you get it from?!" She eagerly asked. "Ciel's closet." I smiled, looking at Ciel who was reading a newspaper, obviously eavesdropping. I looked back at Elizabeth, "And what are you doing here today, Lady Elizabeth?" I put my arms behind my back in a respectful manor.

"Y/N! I thought I told you that you can call me Lizzy!" She frowned, "Have you? I don't recall such an event. But as you wish, Lizzy." I smiled as her face lit up, "Yay! Now if only I could get Ciel to call me Lizzy..." She sighed, "You know Ciel, he's stubborn. I say just let him keep doing what he's doing, he'll eventually drop it on you out of the blue. You'll be surprised." I looked at him and back to Lizzy. "Anyway, Ciel and I have plans to go outfit shopping! but I would be joyous if you came along too, Y/N!" She smiled, subtly asking me to come along, "Sure, I'll come along if it isn't a hassle." I smiled as she celebrated, "Yay! I can't wait to go! I want to go dress shopping with you because you always know what looks best on me!" She smiled, "Of course. Do you want me to add that to your schedule Lady Elizabeth?" Sebastian asked, pulling out a notepad. She nodded, "Yes! Ohh- and a quick bite to eat! I'm getting kind of hungry..." She pouted a little. "Well, how about we get ready to leave, Ciel?" Sebastian asked Ciel who jumped a little at the sudden confrontation. "Oh, yeah. Alright, I'll be a moment. How about you two wait for me in the carriage?" He smiled, "Okay! Come on Y/N!" Elizabeth dragged me out of the manor.

Finally! (BOOK 1) - Alois x Reader x CielUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum