EP. 2 - The Cunningly Foolish Saiyan

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Miyako quickly grasped the Red Jewel. It burned in her palm again. "Vegeta, you say? Hasn't your line bred rulers?"

"Ah, so you aren't completely clueless about us," Vegeta observed her. "But yes, it has. I am Chief Vegeta III."

"I see your line does not breed creativity."

He was so taken aback by her comment, he laughed. "My name," he started. "It is such a great name, it cannot stand for just one generation."

Miyako chuckled. "You are quite funny, Chief Vegeta. You have the audacity to be so arrogant in front of a Princess."

"You insult my name," Vegeta smirked. "But you made one mistake."

"And that is?"

He yanked her by her hair and neared her face once more.

"What do you think you're doing?!" she snapped.

"I do not care if you are a Princess or not," Vegeta glared. "It is you who has such audacity to come here and insult me! You are so naive to come here on your own, little girl."

Miyako glared back. "I wanted to get a rise out of you. To see if you really are just a savage like everyone says you are."

He gripped her hair tighter. "You were testing me?"

"Call it what you want. I believe I have seen enough."

Vegeta noticed the dark glint in her eyes. "You too have placed us below you," he concluded. "The dwarf Rambutan has that same look."

Miyako's expression softened. "So, he really has treated you inferior?"

He scoffed. "Of course. He always has. They always have. Those weakling Tuffles hiding behind their fancy machines!"

She winced as his grip tightened in anger. "I understand. I... don't think King Rambutan is as great as he appears to be."

"Oh? You're trying to play nice with me now that I have you cornered?"

Miyako frowned, "Just to be clear, you never had me cornered."

Vegeta's eyes widened as her eyes and the Red Jewel glowed an iridescent crimson. In a moment, she had slammed him into the ground with an arm she made from ki.

He struggled in its grip. "What is this?!"

Miyako let out a breath. "Can you calm down so I can let you go?"

The other two Saiyans watched in awe at the scene. Vegeta was their strongest warrior! And he was taken down by a young girl?!

Vegeta hid his flushed face from her. "Fine. I am calm. Release me."

The Princess obliged, and he quickly stood.

"Why did you come here?" Vegeta composed himself.

"I wanted to confirm my suspicions," Miyako replied, adjusting her hair. "King Rambutan and his predecessors have been treating you unfairly. It's as if you're second class citizens. Maybe worse."

The Chief clenched his fists. "Exactly."

"Although I think you are a bit...rough around the edges," she cut him slack, "I understand where your frustrations are coming from."

Vegeta crossed his arms. "Understanding from some girl means nothing to me."

Miyako smiled. "I told you; I am not just some girl—I am a Princess," she crossed her hands over her lap. "I can help you."

"What's in it for you?"

She glanced away. "I want to help you. Your kind."

Vegeta studied her. He had handled her disrespectfully—even threatened her—and she still wanted to help them. The look in her eyes was different. She seemed embarrassed to be even saying such words.

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