EP. 1 - Visions of Genocide

64 3 0

AGE 719
18 years before the Fall of the Saiyans


Princess Miyako stared out into the vast lands that would be her own kingdom one day. Below, she could see her citizens working peacefully together to make it through another day. She smiled. All was well.

A gasp escaped her as she was transported elsewhere, her body paralyzed by the sight before her. Bodies slain over the land, piles and piles, too many to bury so the conquerors resorted to burning, and even roasting over a fire like a hunt well done.

Who were these people?!

She desperately tried to see faces but the figures were like shadows with blurred faces. She strained. At least one crucial detail...!

A manly figure stood proudly over his kin. He crossed his arms over his chest and laughed loudly, victoriously. The sound made her skin crawl.

This voice, Miyako tensed. I will remember it.

As quickly as the vision had come, it had left her. She gasped for breath, glad to be returned to reality.

"Your Highness? Your Highness!"

Miyako turned to the voice. "Governess Tatsoi!" she reached out for her.

Tatsoi embraced her. "It was another one, wasn't it?" she rubbed her head.


The older woman thought. "You are so young to be having such a powerful connection already."

"What of it?"

"Your Highness," Tatsoi began, "I believe you will be our Great Ancestor's reincarnation."

Miyako flinched. There was that title again. "Why is that so... important?"

"Do you not listen to my lessons?" the governess chuckled. "Our Great Ancestor—Lady Ayata—is said to be freed once her reincarnation appears."

Her eyes widened at an idea. "Then, she could stop what I saw!!"

"What did you see?" Tatsoi asked curiously.

The Princess hesitated. "It was... the complete annihilation of a species. There was a man behind it all. If I could hear his voice, I would be able to tell who he is immediately."

The governess let the Princess go. "A man, you say?" she started. "The only men you have seen would be the men of our kind, is that not true?"

Miyako blushed. "I am only fifteen years of age. Naturally, I have not met many species like Mother and Father have."

"Quite right, Your Highness."

"Yet," she eyed the governess, "I sense you are trying to implicate something."

"Yes," Tatsoi nodded. "You have only ever met Saiyan men, haven't you, Your Highness."

Miyako stared up at her. "Do you mean to say...the Saiyans will slaughter all those people?! But, Mother and Father would never do such a thing!"

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