Attempted kidnapping- Chp 20

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"Hey. Sis! Theres someone at the door for you," Holly walked into the sitting room.
"Oh," I stood up off the sofa, "I wonder who it is."
"I'm not sure," Holly shrugged, "They didnt give me a name."
"Oh thanks," I smiled and walked to the front door.
When I opened it, nobody was there.
"Hello?" I stepped outside.
Two arms wrapped round me and I started to panic. Usually when someone wraps there arms round men from behind, its Tim. But this was not Tim. This was an actual attack.
"Help!" I yelled really loud but then my mouth was covered.
"Shut up!" He yelled at me.
Of course it was my fucking ex.
Two people came to the door to help. Tim and Brad.
"Leave her alone!" Tim yelled.
"I dont think I will," Ex started to walk me to his car which I trued to resist but couldn't.
Brad ran over to the car and stood in front of the doors. He then pulled out his phone and called 911.
"Hi. We have an attempted kidnapping," He looked Ex in the eyes as he called.
"Now get off her," Tim walked closer to us.
Ex let go of me and punched Tim. Tim fell to the ground.
I turned Ex around and kicked him straight in the balls.
"Fuck you! Nobody touches my boyfriend!" I yelled.
I then ran over to Tim as Brad dealt with ex.
"Are you okay?" I asked as I helped his up.
"I'll be fine," Tim got up.
I looked at him and he had scrapped his elbow and had a couple light scratches on his face.
I wrapped my arms round his neck and hugged him tightly.

When the police got here, we all gave them our statement and then we were okay to go back inside.
When we did, I helped Tim with his wounds. After I sorted his elbow, I sat on his lap and started to work on the scratches.
"I dont think his scratches will stay which could be a blessing or a shame based on you're opinion," I smiled.
"Why would it be a shame?" Tim asked.
"Well, some people find scars sexy," I told him.
"Really?" Tim laughed.
"Yep," I nodded, "Have you never seen Norman Reedus' fanbase?"
"No," Tim shook his head with a smile.
"Well, his character from the walking dead, Daryl, has a scar and some people find it attractive," I explained.
"Okay," Tim nodded and laughed.

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