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*Day of Tim's birthday*

Tim's birthday! I sent him a birthday text quite early in the morning

Tim: Thanks 😂
Tim: I wondered if you wanted to come round earlier and we could binge watch the Mandalorian
Y/N: oh ye! That would be fun!
Tim: Do you want to come round at eleven. I'll provide snacks
Y/N: Okay! See you then

A few days ago I got Tim the perfect gift. I bought him a Grogu and chocolate. I'll be honest, I forgot to wrap them so I did it after getting dressed and having breakfast. Then after a little longer I headed over the address Tim gave me for his house. It was a typical big American beach type of house. I rang the doorbell and waited. The door opened up and there stood Tim.
"Happy birthday!" I held up the bag with his birthday present in.
"Thank you," He took it and then gave me a hug, "You didn't have to get me a present though."
"I did and its fitting," I walked in, "Open it."
"Well. Lets go to the sitting room," Tim directed me to the sitting room and we sat down on the sofa.
He pulled the present out the bag and unwrapped it. He started laughing when see saw what it was.
"I love it," I told me, "Thank you."
"You're welcome," I caught onto his laughing. Why does laughing have to be so contagious.
The rest of the day we watched all of the Mandalorian. Once we were done, I went to get changed for the party.
"How many people are coming then?" I asked when stepping out of the downstairs bathroom.
"You look great," Tim complimented me.
"Thanks. Its only jeans and a button up shirt. You though. You have a henley and a cowboy hat," I pointed out.
"This old thing," He tilted his cowboy hat, "Mama."
"Did you wear that for a role?" I asked.
"Ye. A program called Justified," Tim took off his hat and held onto it with both of his hands.
"Is there anywhere I can put my bag where it wont be thrown in your pool by a drunk person?" I raised my eyebrows.
"Ye! My bedroom. First door on the left at the top of the stairs," Tim pointed at the stairs while walking to the the kitchen.
I headed up stairs and to his bedroom. It was big. Considering he lived alone, he had quite a big house. I put my bag on the floor and went over to the windows that took over the full wall. You could see so much. You could see the LA beach and it was beautiful.
I headed back down and Tim was at the door letting someone in. It was Skeet.
"Hey Skeet," I smiled as I walked down the stairs.
"Hey! I thought I was early. I guess not?" Skeet assumed.
"Y/N's been here since this morning," Tim informed him.
"Oh! What have you to been up to," He voiced it like he was implying something.
"We watched all of the Mandalorian," I answered.
"Sounds fun," Skeet commented as he walked into the sitting room.
"Do you need help with food or drinks?" I started to make my way to the kitchen.
"That would be great thanks," Tim followed me.
We picked out a bunch of snacks from the pantry and started to sort them out.
"I'm gonna man the door. People will be arriving around now. You alright here?" Tim asked.
"Yes I'll be fine. Go ahead. Its your birthday. Go hang out with your friends," I encouraged him.
"Okay but I will be coming back to hang out with you," Tim assured me and left to the hallway.
"You guys seem closer than ever," Skeet came into the kitchen.
"Yep," I had a slight little smile to myself.
"Don't think I didn't spot that," I pointed at me while sitting at on the the stools at the kitchen island.
"You want a beer?" I tried to change the conversation.
"Don't try be sly," Skeet shook his head.
I looked to the side to see if Timothy could be coming into the room at any entrance but luckily wasn't so I could admit my truth.
I leaned forward and whispered, "I like Timothy. But. One! There is no way he likes me. Two! Why would he even want to date me, I'm not a celeb. Three! Why would be want to date someone a little two weeks after meeting them."
"One!" Skeet started to count on his finger, "I can tell he likes you and there is no denying that. Two! Who cares if you are not a famous celeb. You are great the way you are. Three! People have sex on the first night they meet sometimes."
"We'll see okay," I dumped some crisps into a bowl and started to take different dishes to the sitting room and dinning room.

Timothy Olyphant X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now