You're my light- Chp 3

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(Sorry this chapter is so short)

Tim's POV
Once I got home I immediately flopped on the sofa and went on my phone to see I got a text from Skeet.

Skeet: Hey man! I saw you and Y/N leave together. You goin' on a date?
Tim: No I just drove her home
Skeet: Please tell me you at least kissed her
Tim: I didn't. I feel like I should have.
Skeet: Ye you should. God its like this girl at set you to default. You have no clue what to do
Tim: I want to be careful. Y/N's different to other women. If she doesn't want to be in a relationship, i don't want to mess up our friendship. I'm going to invite her to my birthday party next Friday
Skeet: Good idea. I can be you're wingman
Tim: Don't wingmen usually work better when you don't know someone and you are chatting them up for the person
Skeet: I guess but I'll be there to help you man
Tim: Thanks S

A couple days later I got a text from Tim

Tim: Hey! Can we FaceTime?
Y/N: Ye! Sure! I'll call you once I've gotten on my laptop

I quickly ran over to my desk, opened my laptop and switched it on. I logged on and ran Tim.
"Hi!" I smiled so much when I saw his face pop up on my screen, "How are you?"
"I'm good. How are you?" He asked.
"Oh I'm great," I responded.
"I have some news to tell you. I really shouldn't be telling anyone but I felt like I had to tell you," Tim leaned forward.
"What is it?" I asked intrigued.
"Yesterday I went and auditioned for this part and I got the role. I'm going to be in the Mandalorian," Tim told me.
"What?!" I pushed myself back on my spiny chair but accidentally threw myself on the floor.
"Y/N!" Tim yelled.
"Fuck," I whinnied in pain.
"Are you okay!?" Tim asked urgently.
"I'm good," I put my hands on my bed to help lift myself up, "No broken bones."
"Good! Thank god I thought you would have seriously hurt yourself," Tim looked relived.
"I fell onto carpet," I told him, "Anyway back to what you were saying."
"No! No anyway! Seriously! Are you definitely okay," He went on.
"I've probably got a bruise or two but I'm fine Tim. You don't need to be worried," I assured him.
"Okay," He nodded.
"So when do you start filming?" I asked.
"In a couple months I think. I cant wait. I get to work with Pedro Pascal," Tim explained.
"I'm so happy for you. I love the Mandalorian," I expressed my feelings for it through excitement.
"Well, I haven't watched it yet so maybe we can have a little watch party of season one before I start filming," He suggested.
"Yes!" I nodded aggressively, "You need to see it. I cant believe you're gonna be in it but have never watched it."
I saw that Tim then picked up his phone.
"Oh my god," He chuckled.
"What?" I asked.
"Listen to the title of this article. 'Actor Timothy Olyphant has been spotted dropping off an unknown woman outside an apartment block in LA'. I was wondering how long it would take for an article to pop up and for the press to spot us," Tim read out.
"Honestly, I was wondering if that would happen too," I agreed.
"Oh! Moving on from that, I wondered if you wanted to come to my birthday party next Friday," Tim invited me.
"Really? You want me to come to your birthday?" I was confused.
"Of course I do. I know we've not known each other for to long but you're my light," Tim admitted.
"What does that mean?" I asked.
"It means that you are the person that makes me happy," Tim looked me in the eyes.
"I guess that means you are my light too," I grinned.

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