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Dream sat at the table with Sapnap and Sam... looking around in confusion.

"You sure you three want to try this? It tastes horrible." George held the bottle, looking at the three.
"Especially you dream.. this is really strong stuff.. I'm only letting you all have one sip." He wanted to make sure."

Sam didn't even want to be there.. Sapnap and Dream just wanted him to warm up to everyone.

Dream happily nodded his head.. perking up.
"I'm still down." He looked over at Sam and Sapnap.
"I think it would be fun."

Sapnap shrugged, looking at Sam.
"I'm just trying to get this one to give his little connection a break." He nudged sams shoulder.
"Separation issues."

"I don't have separation issues..."
Sam rolled his eyes before getting up.
"Anyways- I'm going to go find ponk." He soon stumbled away from the table.

"Mhm..." Sapnap let out a small chuckle, looking over at the two that are left...

"Hopefully he finds ponk."
George watched as Sam left... soon looking back at Sapnap and Dream.
"I'm only giving you a little bit- okay?" He poured a bit of the alcohol into each the shot glasses.

"This is odd." Sapnap yawned, looking at the glass filled with a strange liquid.
"I'll try a bit." He picked up the shot glass.
"Then I'll probably go annoy ponk till sam gets mad."

Dream picked it up once it was filled... sniffing it for a few moments.
"I guess I'll try it." He soon drank it all in one sip.

George watched as blonde soon had a bitter look... scrunching his nose.
"Pfft.." he smiled.
"I told you."

Sapnap didn't mind the taste when he drank it.
"Strange bitter taste." He shrugged.
"I don't mind."

Dream looked at the shot glass before up at George with a concerned like look.... He drinks this kind of stuff...?

"I'm glad you at least liked it Sapnap... Dream seemed to have not liked it." George softly smiled, placing the bottle down.
"Whilst you wait off the taste- I'm going to go move the laundry over, just wait here." He stood up.. soon leaving.

.: quick Dream POV :.

Dream frowned as he stared at the bottle.. he wanted to be able to like the drink.... He wanted George compliment him.
"How do you like it?" He looked at Sapnap.
"I want to like it... but it's gross."

"Just drink it." Sapnap shrugged as he stood up.. stretching his arms.
"Don't force yourself to like it." He soon walked away.
"George said one sip."

Dream looked at the bottle... maybe he can try to like it..
"Maybe another sip will make me like it." He grabbed the bottle, pulling it closer.
"Then George will like me more."

.: George POV :. 20 minutes later .:.

George hummed, carrying the basket of folded laundry.
"Hopefully these will fit them." He sighed.
"They've gone through so many clothes... I swear."

He wanted to have enough clothes for the mermans to use... without them being ripped.

George made his way back into the living room.. humming softly.
"Sorry I took so long, I went to fold the clothes." He looked at where Dream and Sapnap were last

He quickly noticed the two merman were gone... and that the bottle was empty on the table.

George's eyes widened wide, dropping the basket and making his way towards the bottle.
"Who drank the entire bottle?!"  He picked the bottle up.. extremely concerned..

.: Waves :. Merman AuWhere stories live. Discover now