🎶Control 🎶

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🎶 Even when I know it's been forever I can still feel the spin 🎶
🎶 Hurts when I remember, and I never want to feel it again 🎶

Waking up used to be okay, and it is. It's those seconds after I wake up that make me want to sink to my knees and cry.

Newt had been my everything. We'd been through every kind of hell you could think of and then some. He was my rock, my anchor, my soulmate. Now he's only my soulmate.

I love him with everything I have. When we found out there was a real Safe Haven we immediately jumped into each other's arms. All those things we thought were daydreams would finally come true. All those times we had pretend arguments over baby names could be real bickering.

Now I have to wake up without him next to me. His face haunts my dreams. The good ones hurt the worst because I'm fooled into thinking he is next to me. Except, he's not. Newt's dead, and any plans we had were ruined forever.

🎶 Don't know if you get it 'cause I can't explain how thankful I am 🎶
🎶 That you were always there for me , when it hurts I know that you'd understand🎶

I don't know how or why or even who put my here, but it didn't change anything. I was trapped in a metal cage. I don't know where I was going. I don't even know who I am, but I do know I'm terrified. Especially, of these things that are on all sides of me. They're screeching in maybe anguish or just anger. It didn't matter which one because they result was the same. Fear.

All of a sudden the box stopped its transcend and threw me backwards. I heard male voices and quickly cowared in a corner. A million questions filled my mind. Were these the people that put me here? What were they going to do to me? Would they hurt me? Would they kill me? What could I do to stop them?

So many questions and absolutely no answers.

The box opened and light shone down on my face. I put my hands over my head as if I could make myself invisible.

"Hey Greenie. You're gonna have to come up sometime."

I hesitatily opened my eyes and looked up. Standing above ground was about a dozen boys. Were there any girls here? What if they did something to the girls? As ridiculous as that may sound literally anything in the world was a possibility. I had no memory of anything in my life or how I even got here. All I knew was that I was terrified, and there were way more of them than me.

"Holy klunk. Is that a girl?"
"Is she hot?"
"I call dibs."

Their words only scared me more. Why would anyone say that? I was a person, and they were staring at me like I was an object. They talked about me like one to. Who were these random boys, and what did they want with me?

"Hey you shanks. You can't call dibs on a person. Go do your work,"A British voice said. I didn't dare look up.
"We were just-"
"I don't care what you were doing. What you're doing now is your work. Get a move on. Don't make me get Alby."

The boys seemed to take this seriously as they all walked away, but I still saw a few with a look that sent chills up my spine. I couldn't help but shudder as I stared at the ground trying not to cry.

"You're alright love. Do you want to come up?"The boy asked.

I finally looked up at him. He had kind brown eyes and a small smile. He was crouched down and holding his hand out for me to take.

I hesitatily took his hand. Gently he helped me out of the box and onto ground. Beneath my feet was grass like any other. How would I remember what grass was but not my name?

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