Chapter 3 : Resolve

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We really have to stop meeting like this you know. Anyways, glad you're back and just in time for a non combat focused chapter.

Tsujihara stands alone in his quarters thinking about how he would never see his family again. He begins to tear up at the thought but instead of crying, he wipes away his tears and carries on knowing that their memory will always live on. He quickly straightens his clothes and clears his eyes because he hears somebody approaching his room.

Headquarters staff: *knock on door* Excuse me mister Kamado, may I speak with you for a moment?

Tsujihara walks over to the door and cracks it open slightly.

Tsujihara: About what?

Staff member: There is someone that Ubuyashiki would like you to meet.

Tsujihara: Hm... Sure, just give me a couple minutes to get ready.

Tsujihara dresses himself in his uniform with a white haori that has red accents and a rising sun in the middle, ties his hair back, and exits the room.

Tsujihara: I'm ready. So where is this person who Ubuyashiki wanted me to see?

Staff member: Out in the training yard. They might still be training with Muichiro.

Tsujihara: Alright I'll make my way there then.

Staff member: Hey, I know this isn't my place to ask this but are you okay after everything that had happened on your last mission?

Tsujihara: It matters not. I will press on with their memory in my heart.

Tears begin to form in Tsujihara's eyes as he quickly wipes them away as to not show any weakness in his resolve.

Staff member: O-oh I'm sorry for bringing that up, I-I'll leave you be.

Tsujihara: Don't worry about me, I'll be okay in due time.

The staff member walks away to finish their tasks for the day and leaving Tsujihara walking on his own to the training yard. Outside the training yard, wooden bokken can be heard being smacked against each other intensely. Tsujihara quietly slides the door to the yard open and sits on the floor and observes two people training.

???: You're slow.

???: And you're a professional so what do you want me to do!?

???: You apparently have dull senses as well otherwise you would've noticed that someone was watching us.

???: Wow this guy is more skilled than I could have ever expected!

One of the swordsmen turns to Tsujihara and speaks to him directly.

???: So are you just going to sit and stare or do you have something you want to say.

Tsujihara: Well if you weren't going to start off so aggressively to me, I was going to ask your names.

???: I'm Muichiro, The Mist Hashira.

Tsujihara: And you?

Tsujihara turns to the other swordsman and stares him dead in the eyes making the air suddenly feel heavier.

???: What's up with this guy? His whole presence just shifted and the air feels hard to breathe. U-uh... S-Sero M-my name i-is S-Sero sir. I'm a Hinoe rank.

Tsujihara: You two must be pretty strong. Given how small the both of you are then you must have some real finesse.

Muichiro: And who are you. I don't think you stand on any ground to be ordering me around. I'm probably stonger than you are.

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