Chapter 2 : Morning Mist.

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I'm just going to get straight to the point by saying that this chapter again takes place right after the previous chapter. Yep, nothing funny here this time. Oh and if you haven't already figured it out yet. I use italics for inner thoughts of a character.

As the kusagai crow flies away. The slayer turns to the disintegrating corpse of the demon that he had just killed.

Sero: Hm... A minor inconvenience. I wish they would stop sending me after these "small fry" weakling demons and give me a real challenge. Oh well, no time to waste. I suppose I should head back to town and find something to eat.

He begins traveling back to a very bright and lively looking town. As Sero approaches the town, he reads a sign that has the name of the town on it.

Sero: "Asakusa". Truly a beautiful town full of the best food in the district.

Sero begins traveling through Asakusa bumping into people because of how crowded the place is at the time. Among the people he bumps into was a strange man with a black suit and a white hat. The man had a powerful presence in that moment which was enough to make Sero recoil backwards when he was spoken to by the man.

Strange man: Oh my apologies for getting in your way.

Upon closer inspection. Sero notices that the strange man has blood red eyes when looking at him.

Sero: O-oh no p-problem s-sir.

Strange man: Be careful with that sword. You might hurt someone.

Sero quickly runs away to a nearby food bar and with heavy stuttering in his voice, orders a large bowl of noodles, quickly pays, and runs off.

Sero: That was Muzan! I could've been killed right then and there! That was bad, really bad.

Sero begins eating his large bowl of noodles at an almost in-human speed while a couple people stare at a distance. Sero notices and finishes his noodles and returns his bowl to the vendor and thanks him for the noodles and begins walking out of the Asakusa town. As he is nearing the exit, his kusagai crow returns and lands on his arm again to tell him that he had been summoned to the corps headquarters.

Sero: I suppose I should make it there quickly. Being summoned to the headquarters means that something important must've happened. Oh and quickly relay to the corps that Muzan has been spotted in Asakusa.

Kusagai crow: Alright.

The kusagai crow flies away and Sero begins his long journey to the corps headquarters. As his journey progresses, the sun is almost all the way up giving Sero some peace at mind. On his path in a mountain. Sero sees a strange person who appears to be wearing a boar mask screaming at something.


Sero: What is this guy babbling about...

The strange person notices Sero and looks at him and stares at him for a couple seconds.

???: Who are you huh!? Are you here to try to take the title of lord of the mountains from me!? You're more than welcome to try!

Sero just walks away without saying anything while trying to avoid any further eye contact with them.

???: Hey! Don't walk away from me! W-We were just about to fight! Weren't we?

Sero just ignores him and continues walking away with the strange person screaming at them to come back and fight. Several hours have passed as it is almost nightfall. Sero is still traversing through a forest that's close to a city when he hears strange sounds coming from behind him. A presence of a demon lingers in the air. Sero grips his sword and continues walking to his destination.

The Sun Shines For The Demon SlayersHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin