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Hyunjin placed Felix on his bed and tucked him inside the duvet. Jeongin was already in the room on the sofa, he'd been waiting for Felix's return since he had seen Mingi let Felix run. Hyunjin turned to Jeongin, his eyebrows furrowed. Jeongin noticed his displeased expression and became nervous.

"Who let him out? Was it you? You pulled a stunt like this before." Hyunjin asked and Jeongin weighed his options. He could take the fall or reveal that it was Mingi.

Jeongin knew how crushed Hyunjin would feel if he knew it was Mingi. So Jeongin just silently nodded. Hyunjin sighed as Jeongin nodded and he walked over to him. He lifted Jeongin's chin to make him meet his eyes, "Do you dislike, Felix?"

"N-No. Not at all."

"Then why did you let him out?"

"He needed the air, I didn't expect him to go leaping off the barrier!-"

"Barrier? He jumped from high up?"


"You will take me to this area he jumped from. Right now."

"Hyunnie, please don't close it off to us. It's where we can just be us and feel the air." Jeongin pleaded and Hyunjin sighed.

"I'll see, the longer you make me wait the more chance you have of it being banned."

"I'll show you." Jeongin said and Hyunjin let go of his chin. He watched as Jeongin walked to the door and waited for him. They walked down the stairs and Hyunjin noticed Mingi stare at the pair as they walked down towards the crowd. Mingi stepped forward towards Hyunjin, he was getting prepared for his punishment on letting Felix out.

"Mingi, can you do me a favour?" Hyunjin asked as he stopped next to Mingi. Jeongin watched the pair talk. Mingi's unsure eyes landed on Jeongin, who seemed calm enough for Mingi to settle.

"Of course, what do you need?" Mingi asked Hyunjin looking back at him.

"Watch over Felix for me, I'd have asked Changbin and Minho but they're out on a mission right now. You have my permission to go in his room. Stay on the sofa to not startle him. He's asleep right now. I just want someone to watch him so he doesn't run off again." Hyunjin explained his favour to Mingi who nodded.

"He ran off?" Mingi asked as he acted surprised. Hyunjin just nodded saying a quick yes and thank you to him before he turned to Jeongin who turned to walk away again.

Mingi walked up the stairs and entered Felix's room as Hyunjin and Jeongin entered the balcony. Jeongin watched as Hyunjin walked to the barrier. "So this is the place you got out as well isn't it?" Hyunjin asked as Jeongin sat on one of the chair, he watched Hyunjin evaluating the height.

"Yeah." Jeongin stated truthfully.

"Well, the good news is that the height isn't high enough for him to injure himself." Hyunjin stated and Jeongin nodded.

"It's where I come when I need air or to be alone. I showed Felix thinking he would appreciate it, he needed the air after the meltdown he had. Thanks for leaving him by the way, it really didn't help. So he wouldn't have done it if you hadn't left him like you had. That was cruel." Jeongin explained a little bitterly than he wanted to. His eyes narrowed slightly at Hyunjin as he turned to face him.

Hyunjin's eyes widened as he saw Jeongin's angry expression, he saw how close the two had become from just his expression. Hyunjin sighed and sat down on the free chair next to Jeongin, "I thought it would be best if I removed myself from the room. I had to, I was getting possessive and angry. That isn't a good combination for me. You know that. I didn't go near his friend, until I heard the news that Felix wasn't here and had gotten out. I have to say though, Christopher is very interesting." Hyunjin stated and Jeongin clicked his tongue.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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