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Jeongin stared at Felix as he watched the television. Felix had the news channel on and Jeongin put two and two together. He sighed as Felix looked intensely at the news. Jeongin was about to say something when Changbin and Minho entered the room. They were shocked when Felix shushed them all as he lurched forward towards the TV.

"We are here with the latest missing persons family. Felix Lee went missing late in the night a week ago and his family have decided to speak out about the incident. We are also with Felix's flatmate and childhood friend, Christopher Bang. Tell us please Christopher, how did you know Felix was missing?" The news reporter explained and turned the mic to Christopher.

"Please, just Chris is fine. I knew Felix was missing when I woke up the next morning and I didn't see his keys on the table next to the front door. I knew he hadn't come home with the keys not there. I decided to wait another few hours before I left the apartment, I wasn't too worried in case Felix was working overtime. Sometimes he did at the night shift, so I didn't go straight into panic mode-"

"So what did you do when you realised that he was missing?"

"Well, I went to the store he worked at and asked them if he showed up for work. He didn't. They told me he was fired but then I had to explain the situation and they realised the severity of it. I asked if there was any cameras in the area but the man said no, and the shops cameras were clear of Felix that night. So I went to the police station and got my two best detectives on the case. Having to tell his family was the hardest thing I ever had to do, but I've promised I'll find Felix." Christopher explained and Felix's tears started running down his cheeks.

"That's the spirit. I'm sure if Felix is somehow watching he'll be waiting for you. Let's move onto the family. How did you all feel?"

"What kind of question is that?!" Felix suddenly exclaimed at the TV.

"It was horrific. The feeling that strikes you when you hear the words of your child going missing, I just can't explain it." Felix's mother explained.

"Let's just say, it angers you to the point of I'm going to kick ass to whoever has taken my big brother."

"Olivia we're on TV-"

"Fiesty." Changbin smirked at the TV and chuckled. Felix nodded in agreement, his hand reaching out to the TV.

"That's my little sister, she's always been fiesty." Felix smiled a small fond smile as his tears began to pour more.

"Well there you have it-"

"Excuse me, I'd like to say something else if I can." Christopher interrupted and it got everyone's attention as they gave him the microphone.

"Of course."

"Felix, this message is for you if you're watching. I will not give up until you're home with us, I'm sorry that I failed to protect you. You're like a little brother to me, I will find you. I won't stop until I do. I want you to know we have a suspect in mind and know who took you. If it's the case, hang in there-" Christopher's message got cut short as the TV turned off.

Everyone looked around and saw each others eyes, Felix sighed as he stared at Hyunjin in the door of the bathroom. Felix looked at him wide eyed. His hair was bright red and shoulder length, unlike his normal short silver hair.

"What happened to your hair?" Felix asked and the rest of them chuckled.

"I altered my appearance. Come with me Felix, I need to speak with you." Hyunjin ordered and Felix stood up sighing as his legs moved before he realised it.

His Oddinaries [A HYUNLIX FANFICTION]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum