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Felix ran through the city in the dark as it had turned night-time. The sky had become dark and black with only the moon and stars in. Felix ran through the streets that he had known since he was young. He had one destination.


The first place he would try would be the apartment. That was where he was heading to. There was nobody on the streets so he kept running until he found the apartment block. He ran into the building, then cursed himself as he ran into the apartment door and realised he hadn't got his keys anymore. He decided to knock on the door repeatedly until someone answered. Nobody did.

Out of frustration he punched the door and it busted open. Felix stared at the door in disbelief. He couldn't believe that had just happened.

Nevertheless, he walked inside and found everything as it was before he had gotten pulled into this new life. His vision blurred as he felt his tears coming out. He had dreamt about this moment since he had arrived at the compound. He walked to the sink and poured himself some water as he had just ran so many miles to get there. He walked into Christopher's bedroom hoping he might be in there.

His smile faded as he didn't find him in his room, he walked around it and sighed as he found the room messier than it ever had been before. Felix knew just by the room that Chris wasn't doing well without him. He walked out of Chris' room and into his own room.

He smiled when he walked inside and saw everything how he left it. It was even dusted and had a fresh clean smell to it. He could tell that Christopher had been in there keeping it tidy and clean for him coming home. He could tell that Christopher was sure enough he was going to find him.

Felix noticed a frame that was misplaced and it was of him and Chris. He placed it back where he had always left it. Then decided to take the photo out completely. If he didn't make it, he needed a photo of Chris to have close to him.

He placed the photo in his pocket and looked around the room a bit more. He felt his chest tighten and it caught him off guard. He sat down on the bed catching his breath. Once it stopped he put it down to just having ran too much.

He stood back up after debating whether to wait for Chris at the apartment or not. He decided to have a look around where he knew Chris might be and then go back to the apartment if he was unlucky. He walked out and back down the staircases. He exited the building and walked towards Christopher's police station.

As he walked his chest started to hurt again. It was the sharp pain, he kept walking trying to ignore it. He then leant on a window of a bar to get his balance sorted. He winced as the pain worsened. He looked inside the window to see if anyone had noticed. He was somewhat happy they didn't and then realised it was a bar inside. He heard footsteps and turned towards the door, his eyes widened as he saw the person come running towards him.

"Felix!" The voice yelled out in panic and a hint of happiness. He felt arms embrace him and he hugged him back. His tears falling down as he let his emotions out. His relief was a lot to hold back.

"Chris- I- I-" Felix tried to speak but the pain was worsening. Chris pulled away and he looked at Felix worried. He pulled Felix to his feet and Felix fell into Chris.

"What's wrong?" Chris asked worried and Felix gestured to his chest.

"It hurts." Felix stated and Chris nodded slowly.

"Uh, okay. Let's get you to the apartment where you're safe and call an ambulance if it worsens. I need to ask questions as well as you're probably well aware." Chris explained and started to guide him towards their apartment block.

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