Chapter 13 - Deceitful and Deceived

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Lucy first thought upon seeing the King was that he was old. Not ancient-old, but older than she had expected, with crows-feet surrounding deep-set eyes and lines bracketing his stern mouth.

Her second thought was that he had a ... presence. There was no other way to put it - from the set of his shoulders and stance of his feet to the strands of silver peppered throughout his dark hair, he emitted something majestic and magnetic that drew the eye.

"Father ..."

"Your Majesty!"

The advisors' shout easily drowned out Snow White's breathless exclamation when they bowed so quickly and deeply Lucy heard more than one spine crack.

Lucy herself had taken a step back without any real thought, her mind alight with shock. She hadn't even considered how the Queen would usually greet her husband or what she was expected to do - bow? Hug and smooch him? Burst into relieved tears?

Before Lucy could defrost her limbs enough to do anything, Snow White made her move first, sobbing so loudly her chest heaved and thankfully drew the attention of the room. "Father ... You came to save me ..."

Something twitched across the King's face, softening the creases between his stately brows. "Snow White - Daughter ..."

And then Snow White did what Lucy had quickly dismissed as over-the-top in front of all the King's advisors, attendants and the handful of guards that had followed in his wake - she threw herself against his chest, hugging his waist and letting her tears free reign. "F-Father, you're back!"

Lucy wanted to blend into the background, though her colorful and elaborately decorated dress didn't exactly make it easy. Looking around the room though, at the astonished faces and worshiping postures, she realized that she shouldn't have worried about attracting attention.

How quickly her influence had waned, how easily the power had shifted with just the man's appearance. Before he had stepped into the room everyone had looked to Lucy for clues on how to act, orbiting her sun, but now she was just another pale star in the galaxy, glittering but too far away to have any influence.

Lucy had dreaded the arrival of the King ever since she had first learned of his existence. There was no question that he would ally with Snow White, any affection he might feel for his pretty wife paling in comparison to the love his only daughter evoked in him, especially after she had been missing for so long. Regaining something after losing it only made it more precious.

Already his big hands were carefully soothing Snow White's trembling, thin back, a private gesture Lucy couldn't imagine he would have displayed in front of all these outsiders if he could at all help it. His voice was gruff and deep when he spoke. "Calm yourself, lest you hurt your body."

"Father, please ... please, you have to help me! She - my dwarves ..."

The King's posture stiffened slightly and his hands moved to rest on Snow White's shoulder instead, creating a bit of space between them so he could look at his daughter's face. "There is no need to fret, Snow White. I ordered those wild dwarves questioned when we were passing through the glen. After all, they kept our daughter from us for ten years."

Fresh tears were added to the ones already drying on the girl's face. "No, they protected me! If I had returned - the Queen wants my life! Father, please believe me ..."

Lucy's chest twinged in panic and she stepped forward, instinct propelling her small curtsy more than any clear thought. "My King."

Piercing eyes turned to her for the first time. They were the color of polished steel, a blade hovering above her neck.

Into the Villain's MirrorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora