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┌─── ∘°❉°∘ ───┐third person pov 11:57 pm  july 6th└─── °∘❉∘° ───┘

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┌─── ∘°❉°∘ ───┐
third person pov
11:57 pm
july 6th
└─── °∘❉∘° ───┘

IT WAS THREE MINUTES FROM CLOSING TIME; a taupe haired girl held her breath over the industrial sink. She begged luck or karma would see her through tonight, and no more customers would appear.

'This shift needs to end already.'

Dreading even blinking, she settled on a staring contest with the water pouring over the dirtied dishes. They were all from the folks who decided they wanted to inconvenience a fourteen year old on her summer break.

And while a good portion of those dishes were from actually cooking the food, that didn't matter to Ito. She was very bitter. In fact, she had her heart set on blaming each middle aged couple that came in the shop, their obnoxious children included.

After all, without them the business wouldn't survive, and then her hands wouldn't have to get pruny.

She checked her watch, it was now 11:58.

She started to wonder if a time-slowing villain had struck her block. All she wanted to do was knock out these dishes alone, go home and sleep. Maybe shower somewhere in there too, but don't count on it.

Feeling a bit dizzy from the lack of oxygen, a quiet exhale and inhale went unheard from her scattered coworkers. They were all annoying, sure, but they kept to themselves at least. It was her manager that really made the workplace suffocating.

"Just a few more seconds.." she whispered as the watch turned to 11:59.

She placed both palms on the cold metal sink, stretching her back a bit. She'd been standing all day, which was slightly unusual.

Normally Ito would get stuck on delivery duty. Not that she minded though, it was way better than being in a greasy, warm and loud environment. Especially with the god awful music her coworkers would put on— seriously who even is Pop Step??

Though, speaking of pop, her back did just that a few times from her stretches. Standing back up, she resisted the urge to look at her watch, knowing good and well it hadn't been a minute since she last glared downwards.

"C'mon c'mon, beep already!" she berated the inanimate object in a hushed tone, not wanting anyone to hear her and think she was crazy.

She was of course, just a little bit. But mostly she was too lazy to act on her crazy.

Unfortunately for poor poor Ito, someone did hear her. Not literally, but they answered her request in a way she didn't want.

𝘼𝙈𝘽𝙀𝙍 𝘼𝙇𝙀𝙍𝙏 ⚠︎︎  𝘼 𝘽𝙉𝙃𝘼 𝙎𝙏𝙊𝙍𝙔Where stories live. Discover now