Part 6

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The breakup between Becky and Oaey were everywhere; it became a hot topic. Today Freen decided to avoid bringing her newspaper along with her to the penthouse; instead she brought Becky's usual coffee.

When she entered the penthouse, Freen realized the designer was already there with his assistant. "Freen! Thank God you're here!"

"Is anything wrong?"

"She won't get out of her room," said the designer, as he pointed at Becky's room. Freen placed the coffee down and walked towards the room, and lightly knocked on the door.

"Ms. Armstrong is everything alright in there?"

The door opened and Becky came up with red-puffy eyes, suddenly Freen felt Becky's hand make a hard impact on her cheek. The people behind them gasped in surprise, as Freen held her cheek. It took her a while to realize that Becky has just slapped her.

"Get out!"

Freen held back her tears as she looked at Becky. "Ms. Armstrong"


Freen looked shocked as Becky pushed her hard and threw magazines, coffee mugs, anything that was in sight, at Freen.


Freen's heart clenched as she heard those last words from Becky when she got out of the penthouse. She didn't know why Becky suddenly reacted in such a way, but Freen did know that her heart was bleeding. She couldn't hold back her tears anymore and just let them flow.

It's been months since Freen last saw or even heard about Becky. A month was considered too long for Freen, since she was used to see Becky everyday. Now she decided to let her go; what else could she do. She can't keep holding on a love that never existed.

Freen sat in front of her grandmother and held her hands. "I made plans grandma"

"What are they?"

"I've saved enough money to start my own business" Freen's grandmother smiled at her.

"Are you sure you want this?"

"I always wanted my own business," said Freen, as she smiled sadly "What about Becky?"

"What about her?"

"Don't you still love her Freen?"

"I have to forget her, besides it's only a one-sided love" "Don't say that"

"She said she hates me"

"I bet you she didn't mean it Freen. She just broke up with someone, it wasn't easy" 

"Grandma we should stop talking about her. I told you I'm moving on."

Freen's grandmother saw the sadness in Freen's eyes and she didn't want to persuade Freen any further.

" As long as you're happy Freen, I am too."

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