20. Chase

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Art by @SerailHou on Twitter

Dream POV

Spirit leaps over a fallen log and I tug on her reins sharply, steering her around a sharp bend in the trees.

"Return the Princess at once!" I hear a voice yell behind me. Y/N presses herself tighter against Spirit and clutches onto her mane.

An arrow whizzes by my head as I duck just in time. I turn around and see a guard holding a bow and arrow, ready for another chance to fire.

Fuck this.

We're not losing them if I just evade.

"Y/N," I lean down to whisper in her ear and shake her shoulder urgently. "I need you to steer Spirit while I take care of the guards."

Y/N nods, sitting up and grabbing Spirit's reins in her hair. I watch as she struggles to hold them while her wrists are still bound together.

Maybe that wasn't the greatest idea.

But we have to really make them believe this.

Y/N turns Spirit around a particularly large tree. I take this opportunity to turn around and throw a knife at the first guard who comes around behind us.

The blade plunges into his neck, easily sliding through the gap between his helmet and chest plate.

He falls from his horse, blood spurting onto the grass.

Apparently, his companions didn't see him and literally run right over him. One pulls his horse to a sudden half, creating a domino effect of at least four others behind. They all smash into each other, some falling from their horse and landing in heaps of clanking armor.

I can't help but let out a soft laugh as Punz comes from behind, stopping abruptly at the chaos ensuing before him.

Hope you can train those guards better.

We break through the trees and into a clearing where Y/N snaps the reins, urging Spirit to go faster.

"Your friends are up ahead!" she yells over the whistling wind. I look in the direction she's pointing and sure enough, the dark blobs are slowly becoming bigger and bigger.

"Then let's catch up to them."

Y/N nods as Spirit puts on a burst of speed, chasing after the two.

"Sapnap! George!" I yell, hoping to get their attention. The two of them turn and immediately slow their horses as we enter another part of the forest.

"Did you lose them?" Sapnap asks a bit breathlessly. He ducks under a few branches as his horse gallops over a log.

"Yeah," I smile and pat Spirit's head before patting Y/N's. She scoffs and leans back against me with a content sigh. "I threw a knife at one guard and they somehow all crashed into him and fell like dominoes."

George lets out a loud cackle of laughter and Sapnap shoves him so hard he almost falls off the horse.

"Be quiet you idiot!" Sapnap scolds quietly. "It doesn't mean the guards have completely given up on us!"

George just glares at him for a second before pushing him as well. Sapnap, not expecting this, falls backward off his horse and lands with a thump on the ground.

"Owwww," he groans, slowly getting up as I quietly chuckle at him while Y/N just smiles. "You bitch!"

"You guys really suck at escaping," someone says from behind us. I turn around to find Punz sitting cross-legged on his horse, smirking at us. "You're lucky my guards are stupid and slow."

Assassin || Dream x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora